Paper Instructions:

Write responses to two (2) the following questions with reference to your textbook and readings:
•How has contemporary critical criminology defined power? What is the effect of this power on crime and terrorism?
•Discuss rational choice theory. How does it relate to criminal or terrorist activity?
•Explain in detail, administrative criminology.
•Discuss the point of view that harsh punishment such as the death penalty fails to deter terrorists from committing acts of terrorism. Give examples in your answer.
•Discuss the concept of classical criminology. How is it related to domestic terrorism?Follow the APA writing style and write all your responses in one Microsoft Word file. Submit the file before the end of the module week in theappropriatedropbox.See Course Calendar for due dates.Read the CJ Writing Rubric to understand expectations for this assignment. Keep the following points in mind:
•View of power according to contemporary critical criminology is accurately described and the effect of power on crime and terrorism is clearly described.
•Discussion of rational choice theory is comprehensive and logical.
•Explanation of administrative criminology is detailed and comprehensive.
•Argument for or against the effectiveness of harsh punishment in deterring terrorism is logical and supported by reasons.
•Classical criminology is adequately described and its relationship to domestic terrorism accurately identified and explained.

All answers must be at least 250-400 words, double-spaced, Arial 11-point font or Times New Roman 12-point font. Follow the APA writing style and write all your responses in one Microsoft Word file using the naming convention of your last name and the assignment (i.e., SMITHM2Q1.doc) Submit the file before the end of the module week in the appropriate dropbox.

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