
If you are looking to write a reflective essay, then you’re in the right place! Writing your first reflective essay can be an overwhelming burden. It seems so easy and yet so hard at the same time.

It is somehow like a personal journal but the difference is that someone else is reading it. Thus, you need to structure your thoughts properly to give the essay a good flow. 

Definition and Purpose of a Reflective Essay

A reflective essay is a form of writing in which an individual examines his/her life experiences. While writing about those experiences, the writer explores how he/she has changed or grown from them.

The following are some of the common subjects of a reflective essay; life-changing events, a place you’ve visited, important people, and something you’ve read, watched, heard, or sensed.

Interesting topics for a reflective essay include; a dream, the neighborhood you grew up in, a movie, a vacation, a special date, an embarrassing moment, overcoming your fears, a traumatic event, or your aspiration. 

Our academic essay writing services make it simple to write your first reflective essay. 


The first question reflective writers ask themselves is, “how do I type my essay?”

The following is how you organize your thoughts in a reflective essay:

1. Introduction 

This is where you introduce the subject and give the readers an overall description of how your life has changed. Also, the introduction has a thesis statement which is the main focus of the essay. 

2. Body Paragraphs 

In the body paragraphs, give a detailed description of how your life has changed or learnt from the experience. 

A good reflective writer also explains the things that have brought about the changes. This is achieved by using examples to support your thoughts and emotions. 

Organize all your points in different paragraphs. Each paragraph should describe a different reason explaining how subject has altered your life. 

3. Conclusion 

Restate your thesis statement and sum up how the experience has changed your life. A writer can look forward when discussing the effect of this experience. 

When looking forward, the writer can share how the experience will impact his/her life in the future. When looking backward, the writer will explain the difference by comparing his/her past and present life. 

Points to Consider when Writing a Reflective Essay 

The following are useful tips for writing a good reflective essay:

  1. The focus of the essay should be you. Do not make other people the main focus. Write about how a certain event or action has impacted your life.
  2. Although it is a reflective essay, do not use a first person perspective. 
  3. Always use examples to support your thoughts and feelings.
  4. Avoid slang words and stick to professional language. 
  5. Use transitional phrases where appropriate. Transitional phrases are essential for elaborating your points and giving the essay a logical flow. 

Follow these easy steps and become a good reflective writer. 

Please visit our website for more information on how you can get academic essays in Australia