Day: March 13, 2018

The 4 Dimensions of Behavior


Prepare a graphic organizer that depicts the four dimensions of behavior. In your graphic include an explanation of each dimension and an authentic example of each dimension. Positive behavior support (PBS) is a contemporary alternative strategy for responding to problematic behavior.  It is designed to prevent problem behavior instead of reacting to problem behavior with punishment.  Continue reading

Why Should you Care About Ovarian Cancer


Write an essay about Ovarian Cancer. Define the disease and  provide relevant background information.  What are the signs and symptoms? What do you  look for? How do you  find them?  what are the problems involved with diagnoses, if any. Explain in detail the symptoms and describe how the  medication/treatments work . What do the intervention methods  target and how do they work?
Also discuss   the current research on the disease/condition? Are there any new and exciting things researchers are looking into? Why should we care about Ovarian Cancer? Continue reading

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