Among inmates with mental illness, how does treatment and social support, compared to no treatment, contribute in reducing recidivism?
Continue readingAmong inmates with mental illness, how does treatment and social support, compared to no treatment, contribute in reducing recidivism?
Continue readingDescribe how using information technology and data mining can affect the quality of health care. Using two Quality Performance indicators, provide a comparison and contrast example of how information technology and data have changed patient care outcomes.
Continue readingOne of the genres that is indicative of Japanese cinema, but is not heavily examined in the textbook is anime, a sophisticated form of cartoon that is created for both adults and children.
Select an anime film and explore how it aligns with the characteristics of Japanese cinema at large. Does the film take place during one of significant historical periods in Japanese history? If so, which one?
Does the film fit into any one of the different types of Japanese film genres? Is so, which one? How can you tell?
In 1989, two scientists from the University of Utah made a rather extraordinary claim: that the process of nuclear fusion could be conducted in a controlled fashion at room temperature. As it turns out, this claim was too good to be true.
Continue readingThe juvenile justice system is similar to the adult criminal justice system in many ways; however, fundamental differences do exist. In this assignment, you will:
1-Compare and contrast the juvenile and adult criminal justice systems
2-Analyze and describe how they are similar and how they are fundamentally different.
Continue reading What is emotional intelligence? Why do you need to develop strong emotional intelligence if you want to be a good manager and a leader in the hospitality and tourism industry?
How can hospitality employees and managers develop strong emotional intelligence skills ?
Describe in detail the difference between a brand and a product, focusing on the key components that make a product.
What are key components of branding a product, and why is branding important to both consumers and firms?
In defining a product, identify at least three out of the five levels of meaning, and examine the attributes to focus on when you brand each type of product.Write a multi-paragraph response.
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