Author: myessaygeeks (Page 3 of 130)

SAMPLE PAPER: Employment law


Employment is crucial in ensuring that human needs are addressed. Employment refers to any connection between two people or an individual and a company that governs labour performance for a fee paid by the person or company who benefits from the job. In an employment relationship, employment rules preserve the working connection between the parties involved and control all actions resulting from the relationship. They primarily serves to safeguard both parties engaged in employment contracts.[1] Any breach of the employment contract can result in legal or disciplinary action, as agreed upon before the employment agreement.

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Final Word Count:        X / 1300 words

RQ: How do sportswear clothing brands respond to the stakeholder pressure for more CSR? 

1.  How did companies respond to the arising stakeholder pressure that comes by effectively conducting responsible and effective CSR? 

2.  How did companies deal with the social impact of CSR?

3. How did companies adapt with the new protocols to help cope with stakeholders’ expectations in regards to CSR? 


i) Explain and justify the analytical strategy suitable for the proposed qualitative multiple-case study research design in the Group Assignment. Insert the codebook for the study in Appendix 1.

Think about the topics we covered in the class related to chapter 5 of Yin (2014) and chapter 4 of Miles et al. (2013). The supplementary sources in the Qualitative Research Design Readings are also of interest for this task.

Recommended word count: 200 words

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SAMPLE ESSAY: Stakeholder Pressure for CSR among Sportswear Clothing Brands


            Pressure from stakeholders occurs in diverse ways and on critical issues of governance, sustainable development protocols of environmental concerns, and in the reporting and management concerns. For instance, governance oversight agencies often seek responsive management and corporate leadership to eliminate sweatshop practices. The sourcing of materials and components for the production of diverse garments and dyes ought to respect established environmental protection rules. The UN Global Compact and sustainability indices are a vital international benchmark mechanism for rating and ranking organizations on their impact on society through their strategic initiatives on CSR. The need to comply with stakeholder demands is paramount to the success of the businesses because the industry is highly profitable, and varied stakeholders have diverse conflicts that require effective deliberation and apportionment of responsibilities on ethical concerns. Pressure from stakeholders thus implies the corporations have to constantly invest in suitable promotion, effective public relations, and suitable brand management through direct initiatives of CSR.   

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Sample Essay: Theory of Mind Article Summary

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), schizophrenia affects 1 in 300 (approximately 24 million) people worldwide, causing psychosis and compromising their cognitive capacity, behavior, and moods (World Health Organization). The article Theory of Mind in Schizophrenia by Mirjam Sprong, Patricia Schothorst, Ellen Vos, Joop Hox, and Herman Van Engeland investigates the theory of mind and its relationship to schizophrenia, concluding that the “theory of mind is impaired in individuals with schizophrenia” (Sprong et al. 5). The primary goal of the article is to “assess the magnitude of the deficit and analyze associated factors,” as well as to “investigate the extent of mentalizing impairment in people with schizophrenia” (Sprong et al. 5,10). 

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Sample Essay: Article Summary

Stereotypes have long been known to have negative consequences for those exposed to them because stereotypes are based on broad assumptions that are frequently incorrect. The article Stereotype Danger and Women’s Math Performance by Steven J. Spencer, Claude M. Steele, and Diane M. Quinn investigates the topic of stereotype threat in women’s math performance. According to Spencer, Steele, and Quinn (1999), “No other science has been more concerned with the nature of prejudice and stereotyping than social psychology,” which has extensively studied the content of stereotypes and their impact on social perceptions and behavior (p. 5). 

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SAMPLE PAPER: The Conspiracy of Chemtrails


A conspiracy theory explains a situation or an event that was invoked by a sinister group. In most cases, the explanations refute the accepted narrative in the scenario, and the official version is considered conspiracy proof. Chemtrails is a theory that explains how the governments or other associated parties participate in a secret program where they add hazardous chemicals or biological agents into the atmosphere through aircraft—the toxic fumes in the sky display visible plumes that resemble contrails. The toxic fumes generally are introduced due to nefarious reasons done without the knowledge of the general population (Birchall, p 45). Condensation trails or contrails are condensed water vapor strips developed in the atmosphere by a rocket or airplanes at high altitudes. 

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Sample Paper: Non-Profit Budgeting

The Women’s Center for Advancement (WCA) is concerned with domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking nonprofit located in Omaha, Nebraska (WCA, 2020). Like other nonprofit organizations, the COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected WCA’s business cycles on revenues and expenses. WCA should deal with mismatches between revenues and expenses by reducing spending or delaying investments. NGOs invest in impact investments of initiatives that benefit society and in return, provide financial returns (IFC, 2020). NGOs have the infrastructure and expertise that attract Investors looking to make positive social or environmental impacts in society. Delayed investments imply that WCA will reduce its spending on the impact projects.

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Sample Paper: Diversity and its Challenges in the Healthcare Sector

The ethnic and racial configuration of the U.S. populations into the future will be diverse and to create a truly sustainable and prosperous nation, diversity and inclusion must be effectively entrenched as a matter of public policy. Diversity has a critical value in the healthcare sector in the United States because it has been a federal policy to expand access and inclusivity particularly in the key public sectors of education and health. Diversity has the positive effect of increasing access to medical care for underserved populations and such populations will see physicians and general practitioners with whom they share culture or ethnicity. Globally, and across the United States, increased international immigration has yielded multiculturalism within every local community and society should adjust, particularly in the fields of medical services to embrace diversity and inclusion to ensure a future of progress (Hokkanen & Löf, 2019). Within a medical facility, increasing the workforce diversity from 10 percent to a possible 30 percent is a critical developmental milestone. The benefits of such a policy are numerous because an inclusive workforce has a higher chance for higher productivity because of the convergence of diverse views, cultural competencies, and greater readiness to render quality care for diverse populations and demographics due to a cultivated culture of tolerance.

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Sample Paper: Self Esteem in Organisations

Many organizations can astoundingly improve their productivity and profitability by considering ways to improve their workforce’s self-esteem. Self-esteem is regarded as the product of self-efficacy and self-respect, and people with high self-esteem tend to yield better in the face of diverse task challenges within organizations or communities. Effective organizations should consider mechanisms of improving and ensuring high self-esteem and self-respect within their workforce (Abdel-Khalek, 2016). Organizations work as communities. Therefore, it is imperative to consider culture as a holistic pact; thus, talent management and recruitment programs prioritize useful aspects of individual social functioning within the organization. Moreover, leadership styles and management choices have to reflect the need to cultivate self-esteem components in the organizational process.

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Sample Paper: The Quest for Immortality in the Epic of Gilgamesh

            The Epic of Gilgamesh is an astounding story about the quest to achieve immortality at the expense of the opportunity people have to live their lives to the full while still alive. Death is unavoidable. Despite Gilgamesh being a competent individual in body, spirit, and wisdom, only the people would write the history of his heroic deeds to immortalize him but not himself. Gilgamesh, the King of the Uruk city-state, continues to baffle more than 4,000 years since its inception. Gilgamesh was dedicated to the quest to attain eternal youth and discovering the secrets of immortality. The queer and unique story arc about Gilgamesh is about immortality. Until around the 1850s, when stone tablets containing the inscriptions were rediscovered, much of Gilgamesh’s story was passed through generations in oral tradition and legend. Enkidu’s death was a crucial turning point for Gilgamesh to begin the epic journey to find immortality. Despite their initial rivalry, the two embraced each other as a band against their perceived cruelty of the gods (Sharif, Mohammad & Mohammed, 2019). Through the intriguing accounts of Gilgamesh, one can deduce that the quest for immortality is futile. Life’s immediate concerns, based on society, are our ultimate refuge and salivation because death ultimately triumphs to reverse the meaning of our lives. 

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