Category: Homework Help (Page 31 of 89)

Creating a Company IMC plan


Watch the video on omni channel integration and answer the following questions.

Question one

Develop a digital (online and mobile) plan to add to your IMC plan for the company or product you are working on in your hypothetical business.

Question two

Develop a direct communications plan to add to your IMC plan for the company or product you are working on in your hypothetical business.

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Define & Explain Plagiarism


Because of the increased ease of information, plagiarism has become a growing issue in academia, particularly with online learning. We want to be careful that we are always using our own words and citing appropriately in our discussions and our assignments. Plagiarism is considered to be a very serious offense and will be treated as such.

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Italian Neo-Realism Audiovisual Essay


This script is for an Audio-Visual Essay and must demonstrate an understanding of what European art cinema involves in relation to Bicycle Thieves (1948) and its corresponding film movement (Italian Neo-Realism).
How does Bicycle Thieves reflect a European Art cinema sensibility?
Discuss the Mise-en-scène (set design, lighting and location) Make sure to separate each one in a paragraph and label each paragraph. 

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A Quote that Best Summarizes Your View of History


Select 1 of the quotes below that best summarizes your view of history, discuss how this quote encapsulates your opinions.

a) History consists of a series of accumulated imaginative inventions. – Voltaire, philosopher

b) History is a myth that men agree to believe. –Napoleon, French leader

c) With the historian it is an article of faith that knowledge of the past is a key to understanding the present. – Kenneth Stampp, historian

d) History is who we are and why we are the way we are. ~David McCullough, historian, author of John Adams

e) I’m interested in the way in which the past affects the present and I think that if we understand a good deal more about history, we automatically understand a great more about contemporary life. – TONI MORRISON, Time interview, Jan. 21, 1998

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