Category: Media Studies (Page 24 of 52)

The Development of Early Christianity


Trace the development of early Christianity by examining the examples of early Christian art in Chapter Six, the Ravenna mosaics of Justinian and Theodora and their court in the church at San Vitale (Chapter 7), and the various depictions of Christ found in Byzantine mosaics and icons (Chapter 7). Consider the following questions:

To what extent was this early Christian art influenced by the social and political circumstances in which it was created?

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Writing a Haiku


Write a haiku (with 3 stanzas for a title of 9 lines) inspired by an image. Create an APA document with a running head, page numbering, a title page, and a reference page.

The syllable pattern in each of the three stanzas should be

Line 1: 5 syllables

Line 2: 7 syllables

Line 3: 5 syllables

Attempt to capture a single moment (preferably in the photograph selected), an “Aha!” moment.

Have a strategy, such as comparison, contrast, association, and/or implied metaphor or simile.

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