Discuss issues of self interest and altruism — can we have both in professions? Is there a point where self-interest becomes greed? Is it acceptable to be motivated by money?
Continue readingDiscuss issues of self interest and altruism — can we have both in professions? Is there a point where self-interest becomes greed? Is it acceptable to be motivated by money?
Continue readingTrace the development of early Christianity by examining the examples of early Christian art in Chapter Six, the Ravenna mosaics of Justinian and Theodora and their court in the church at San Vitale (Chapter 7), and the various depictions of Christ found in Byzantine mosaics and icons (Chapter 7). Consider the following questions:
To what extent was this early Christian art influenced by the social and political circumstances in which it was created?
Continue readingWrite an Argumentative essay in which you discuss and provide solid facts that support your claim about whether or not it is ethical to take advantage of uninformed consumers. Include relevant evidence. Make sure to address counterclaims. Use effective, formal language. Convince readers that the claim is valid.
Continue readingDescribe parts of the Nursing curriculum design and development process you feel would be the most challenging for a nurse educator. Suggest ways those challenges could be addressed.
Realizing that in a real-world situation, no instructor would be left alone to do all of the curriculum design, describe what part you would be most interested in working on and why.
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