Tag: academic writing skills (Page 15 of 18)

UN Guiding Principals

Credit: youtube.com

Discuss the potential of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to act as a pragmatic and principled approach to ensuring corporate respect for human rights and corporate accountability for human rights abuses.  Discuss the effectiveness of at least two soft law mechanisms, such as the OECD National Contact Points and the IFC Compliance Advisory Ombudsman, Continue reading

Young Goodman Brown

Credit: theimaginativeconservative

Compare any TWO critical approaches to the ‘Young Goodman Brown’ story. What is the focus of each approach? What element(s) of the primary text are important for each approach? What distinguishes both approaches to the text? Which approach do you find most compelling, and why?

Note that you are NOT analyzing the primary text, “Young Goodman Brown,” but are comparing two different critical analyses of the text. Use textual evidence from these critical responses in formulating your arguments about how they approach the literary text.  Continue reading

Barnes’ Private Art Collection

Credit: nytimes.com

Write a  response to the film Art of the Steal.  What do you think of the decision to move Barnes’ private collection to a public museum? Should the preservation and display of the work come at the cost of the collector’s stated intentions? Who should get to claim ownership over artistic/cultural objects: the collector, the artist, the artist/collector’s estate, the public, or the local or federal government? Continue reading

A Journal About Future Aspirations

Credit: depositphotos.com

Seeds: where in your current life do you experience the seeds and early beginnings of the future that you want to create?
Prototyping: Over the next three months, if you were to prototype a microcosm of the future in which you would discover by doing, what would it look like?
People: who can help you make your highest future possibilities a reality? Who might be your core helpers & partners? Continue reading

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