Write a 1–2 page letter that identifies and addresses your concern. This letter can be written to the editor of your local newspaper, your local legislative body, or agencies that create policy and advocacy for this population.
This letter should be an example of critical thinking and should include, at a minimum:
Choose a listed company from Stock Exchanges and download the recent 10-K of the company from IR of the company website or SEC filings. Summarize all the Item in 10-K (Item 1 ~ 16) and Analyze each item with your own words.
Write two pages about the Toyota company and its direction from a financial standpoint (This is based on a combination of narrative and quantitative measurements in the annual report.)
B)Discuss the users of the annual report. Describe how users can utilize the information. The suggested length be ½ page. C) Identify the main financial statements in the annual report and describe the basic financial statement elements. Discuss if the financial statements follow GAAP and how can a user identify if it is compliance with GAAP. The suggested length be 1 page. D) Discuss the accounting information system related to internal control systems. Based on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, internal controls must be discussed and therefore, the report contains these topics. The suggested length should be 1 page.
advance knowledge of relevant aspects of translation theory as well as
techniques applicable to research and advanced scholarship in translation
a sophisticated grasp of linguistic, textual, literary, cultural, technical, socio-economic, and
ethical issues related to translation studies and practice.
expertise in highly specialized research
skills (including in using the research and learning resources available at the
university and elsewhere, as well as on the internet
4-demonstrate a high level of competence in
conforming to the conventions governing the presentation of advanced academic
writing in British Universities and international academic journals in the
field of Translation Studies
5-Critically evaluate current research and advance scholarship related to the field of translation.
Proposition 36 is a legislative direction that accords a convicted offender of drug-related offenses a leeway to avoid imprisonment and instead, receive a probationary sentence under the Three Strikes Law. For your journal, summarize what proposition 36 does.
Consider the elements within the relationship-based care model, the article on clinical leadership and your self-assessments: 1) compare and contrast elements of the model to your current practice environment 2) Describe your assessment of clinical leadership, how you expect your baccalaureate program to influence your current, and future nursing practice.
Write an Export Plan of 20 – 25 pages (roughly 7.000 words), including diagrams, graphics and tables, for the company ‘LoveSac’ from the US. As part of the Export Plan, you will describe how LoveSac intends to export its products to France and Germany (mainly focussing on their ‘LoveSacs’.
Consider various readings as they relate to moral distress. Describe your experience with moral distress within your current practice environment (hospital, med/surg floor) and what factors contributed to this distress. Formulate strategies that you can use to promote your own moral distress resilience
Your references should be at least 5. Remember to provide links to each one of them
Read the article “Dum Dum Boys” by Camden Joy, “The Bridegroom” page 91-115, “White Trash Primer” by Lacy M. Johnson and Watch the movie “Winter’s Bone”
Reflect on how you relate to the use of the word you in “White Trash Primer.” How does it make you feel? Do you feel included by it or excluded by it? Why? Argue for or against Johnson’s use of the second-person (“you”) point of view. Cite specific moment when you feel that it’s effective or ineffective, and explain why. If you are arguing against it, try to include an argument for an alternative that attempts to explain why it would have been better.
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