Tag: academicessaywriting (Page 3 of 57)

Causes of World War 1

Credit: providencemag.com

World War I was a very complicated event in European history. Scholars till this day debate over the causes of the war. Write a formal academic paper presenting your reasons and thoughts on the question: 
What were the causes of World War I and how was this war different than previous ones?

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Neurology Case Study: Chief Complaint: “My head is pounding & throbbing & I feel like I’m going to puke.”

Credit: medicalnewstoday.com

You are the RN at the local clinic; NR is a 41 year-old Caucasian female and single mother of 3 who presents with a “pounding and throbbing” headache, the third of its kind within the past month. She works part-time at Walmart and is taking nursing courses in the evening. She denies alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs. She sleeps about 5 hours each night, admits to poor eating habits-drinking 3-4 cups caffeine, and eating candy “more than she should”. NR describes her pain as being localized to the right temple, increasing in intensity over the past hour rating her pain as a 9 out of 10. She also complains of non-radiating neck pain and states the bright lights in the clinic make her feel worse as she now feels nauseous and dizzy though she has not vomited. Lying in a dark quiet room makes her feel better. Sometimes taking ibuprofen 600mg also helps though her last dose was yesterday. She denies any previous medical history, has never been hospitalized except for childbirth (uncomplicated vaginal deliveries x3), no surgical history, no significant family history.

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Descartes’ Opinion on God’s Existence

Credit: abouticles.com

1.In the second Meditation, (Kleiman and Lewis, p. 33) Descartes responded to the doubts raised previously — his famous remark that “I think, therefore I am.” Of course, we might say. Isn’t that obvious? So why is Descartes’ remark so profound? (Or is it?)

2.In the third Meditation, Descartes developed the first of two arguments for God’s existence, this one called the Cosmological Proof, claiming there is no other way to explain his having the idea of God than that God Himself gave it to him. (See page 42, in Kleiman and Lewis.) Could we human beings have invented the idea of God? Why did Descartes think otherwise?

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Building Community Involvement in Diversity

Credit: newamerica.com

The purpose of this assignment is to deepen our understanding of the diverse ELLs we serve by getting to know their local communities and to find ways to build community involvement.
Identify a local immigrant community. Chose a culture or community relevant to the needs of your current school/classroom, future teaching plans, or interests. You CANNOT be a member of the culture/community you visit.
Research the community before you visit.

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Browsing Vs. Reading Pros & Cons

Credit: bookriot.com

Americans prefer browsing the internet as a pastime instead of reading books. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of browsing vs. reading. Your paper should be eight pages long. Be sure to include transitions at the beginning of each paragraph and within the paragraphs, ensure sentences are complex and written correctly, and use high-level vocabulary appropriately

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Social Researcher Skills

Credit: gov.uk

This assignment aims at helping you develop your skills as a social researcher based on the knowledge you acquired in this subject. It requires that you identify a social problem of interest to you, conduct a brief literature on the issue and justify the need for research on the issue. You are then to propose how you would go about conducting that research, paying attention to ethical, theoretical and methodological considerations, including levels of measurements, sampling and relevant hypotheses. You must justify your methodological selection, which will demonstrate your understanding of strengths and limitations of each.

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Benefits of joining the World Trade Organizations

Credit: infojustice.org

While membership in the World Trade Organization is extensive, not every country is a member. The following countries all have observer status in the World Trade Organization, meaning they are considering joining the organization. Choose one of the following countries and use the Stolper-Samuelson theory to analyze whether joining the World Trade Organization will be beneficial to that country.

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Archaeological Discoveries

Credit: weheartit.com

The archaeological record is perpetually changing. Archaeologists are always discovering more finds and publishing on emerging data from their projects. However, most people will never read any of the reports or academic articles that archaeologists produce. Instead, general audiences receive this new information through the news. Analyze a news article emerging from a popular news source. This source can either be a legitimate newspaper (ex. The New York Time, Washington Post, The Guardian) or a science/history magazine (ex. Discover, National Geographic, Smithsonian Magazine).

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The Media & Psychological Science

Credit: medium.com

Find media coverage (live/news coverage) about a psychological issue. Find one empirical journal article that describes original research on the same subject. Carefully and critically consider how well the media/news represents psychological science, given the material in the journal article and what you’ve learned in the course.

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