Tag: do my homework (Page 50 of 81)

Moral Distress in Nursing

Credit: nursingtimes.net

Consider various readings as they relate to moral distress. Describe your experience with moral distress within your current practice environment (hospital, med/surg floor) and what factors contributed to this distress. Formulate strategies that you can use to promote your own moral distress resilience

Your references should be at least 5. Remember to provide links to each one of them

Water Resource Management


Create a conceptual model showing a diagram of the geology, hydrogeology, geochemistry, geomorphology, agroecology, hydrology and irrigation, climate, evaporation in relation to water resource management. A series of more detailed conceptual models can then be created to show the mechanisms of each aspect, e.g., the hydrogeology.

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The Use of ‘You’ in “White Trash Primer”

Credit: youtub.com

Read the article “Dum Dum Boys” by Camden Joy, “The Bridegroom” page 91-115, “White Trash Primer” by Lacy M. Johnson and Watch the movie “Winter’s Bone”

Reflect on how you relate to the use of the word you in “White Trash Primer.” How does it make you feel? Do you feel included by it or excluded by it? Why? Argue for or against Johnson’s use of the second-person (“you”) point of view. Cite specific moment when you feel that it’s effective or ineffective, and explain why. If you are arguing against it, try to include an argument for an alternative that attempts to explain why it would have been better.

Mapping Assignment

Credit: freeiconspng.com

Identify a geographical area, find a map of it, and include it in the portfolio. Add a brief explanation of why the map has been chosen, link it to the week’s topic, and mark any geographical features on the map that are important to the weekly topic.

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Learning Outcomes of Your Degree Program

Credit: maltawinds.com

Research the stated Learning Outcomes of your particular degree program. Briefly outline them in your discussion response. In the subject line of your initial post, state your degree.
ORGL major Educational Outcomes are included in this learning module. For outcomes of other majors, please consult the undergraduate catalog for your college.
Answer the following question.

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