Based on your knowledge of White Plains, in two or three paragraphs, give your opinion on how your city compares with it relative to its overall financial condition. Items to mention might include financial ratios, debt margin, revenue sources, etc.
Select any superhero (or villain) to “bring to life” for the next ten years and “sell” that choice to the class. Specifically, what could your superhero accomplish in those ten years? What types of large scale problems would he or she be equipped to tackle? Give three reasons why your super hero should be chosen and support your choice with research. Specify three distinct tasks or global areas of concern that your Super Hero could effectively address. An eleven slide PowerPoint and a Works Cited page are required.
Continue readingYou are a new supervisor for one of your company’s departments. You have only been on the job for a couple of days when your manager pulls you aside to express her concern over the department’s performance. She shares the following information with you:
(YTD = Year-to-Date; QTD = Quarter-to-Date; MTD = Month-to-Date; LW = Last Week)
Sales data:
YTD Actual – $720,186, QTD Actual – $325,598, MTD Actual – $64,580, LW Actual – $31,169, YTD Plan – $766,341, QTD Plan – $350,152, MTD Plan – $70,725, LW Plan – $36,053
% of gross margin (GM) plan data: YTD – 98.25%, QTD – 98.47%, MTD – 98.56% LW – 99.11%
% of Employee Availability over Last Year to Date:YTD – 97.00%, QTD – 95.70%, MTD – 95.72%, LW – 94.35%
2. She asks you to investigate what’s been going on in the department to explain the performance data. She also wants you to chart the data and identify any trends you discover. This is good, since you know from your studies that trend analysis is a good way to analyze past performance and make predictions about future expectations.
Toxic Trespass investigates examples of toxic exposure and increased incidences of marker diseases and premature death. What are some of the resources that the public and public health departments use to mitigate the health issues? Who is at the greatest risk for these exposures?
Continue readingRead the Mid Summers Night Dream and write as essay of approximately 5 pages answering the following questions.
1. What determines whether A Midsummer Night’s Dream seems comic or tragic? Some scenes could be read as simultaneously serious or funny. Pyramus and Thisby is a tragedy that becomes comedic
when performed by the bumbling craftsmen. It could be said that the comedy in the rest of A Midsummer Night’s Dream has tragic underpinnings as well, since the “happy” elements of the
play—marriage, love, passion, youth, celebration—are underpinned with dark images. Analyze this intermixing of comedy and tragedy in the play. Which characters experience the play as tragedy, and which as comedy, and why?
Consider yourself joining an ongoing academic conversation. From your research, you have learned about what scholars and professionals think about your chosen topic, how they view it, and how they respond to what others have to say about it.
Continue readingWhat is the Difference Between Punishment and Guidance? Develop a powerpoint presentation that you could use at a family night that will help families of young children understand what punishment is and what positive guidance is and how adult actions can influence positive child behaviors.
Write an analysis of Bob Woodward and Carl Berstein’s reporting skills in their coverage and reporting of the Watergate Scandal.
Comment on:
– The similarities and differences in their reporting styles
– The effectiveness of their news gathering (which reporter’s style is more effective at gathering accurate information and why?
Discuss the Current Controversies in keto diet, which is considered a healthier way to losing weight. Clearly identify the “pro” or “con” stance on the controversy and Provide a summary of the supporting research
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