Identify which ethical principles may be in conflict with the concept of “patients having an ethical responsibility in improving healthcare.” Discuss how these conflicts may be resolved.
Explain the stages of classical conditioning.
Explain the stages of operant conditioning.
Explain the stages of observational learning.
Choose one of the issues from Section II of the Code to research in greater depth, using appropriate, credible websites and/or database sources from the Ivy Tech Library. You could focus on plagiarism, on misuse of computers, on verbal abuse, on minors on campus, or on any other issue detailed in this section of the Code.
Continue readingAs a professional, it is important to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences throughout your daily activities. With any kind of communication, you need to understand your intended audience. You also need to be aware of each audience’s needs. Often the same information will need to be delivered to different audiences.
Continue readingDiscuss and define deontological ethics, social justice ethics, OR virtue ethics . Analyze how a person holding the ethical view you chose would view the issue within your community. Discuss and define your ethical viewpoint. Using your ethical viewpoint, analyze how you feel about the issue within your community.
Continue readingExplain the concept of learning. What does it mean to be an intentional learner? How do you use your learning patterns in everyday situations? State your LCI scores and level of use for each Learning Pattern. Do the results of the LCI reflect your own thoughts, feelings, and actions accurately according to what you you know about yourself? Do you agree with your scores of Sequence, Precision, Confluence, and Technical Reasoning that you got from taking the LCI?
Continue readingOne of the most important elements in a business plan is the market analysis. A market analysis is a qualitative and quantitative assessment of a market. It includes data collection and estimation in reference to the market size and value; characteristics of the intended customer base; in-depth understanding of the competition; barriers to entry and the regulatory environment.
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