Could cannibalism evolve and/or be maintained via natural selection? [Note: think beyond human cannibalism]
Compare and contrast Robert Dahl’s 5 criteria for a functioning constitutional system in comparison to what we now know about the powers and limits of the US Presidency. What formal powers are accorded to the President in the Constitution? What informal powers can the President draw upon?
Do you think Dahl’s criteria are met by the description of the presidency here? What about executive orders? Military power? Impeachment process? How would you change the powers, limits and/or role of the United States Presidency? In your opinion, should the president have more powers or fewer? Should certain informal or formal powers be withdrawn or expanded?
Where do you think that Paleoindian people in the early Paleoindian period fall within Binford’s Forager-Collector Spectrum? Why? Find information from a Paleoindian site in North American that supports your conclusion. Be sure to include the name of the site, it’s location, the dates of the Paleoindian occupation(s) and what was found there that helps you know how those Paleoindian people were living
Identify and discuss two events that you consider significant in the history of sport/physical activity. For each event, give any important background information and discuss how/why the event is important, and the impact it had on sport and/or greater society. Include the link to any online article, name of book or movie etc. that was used to inform this submission, however, the assignment requires you to write at least 1 paragraph on each event, addressing the above outlined components.
Pick two international proposals implemented to fight the pandemic (either by IMF, World Bank, UN or UNCTAD) and describe how those two proposals are designed, what is the intended target, objectives, and focus on impact. Be critical about them. The pandemic has created an unprecedented hunger and food insecurity problems. Describe and elaborate on global food emergency plans at the local, regional, or international level. Use data.
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For this individual project, you are assigned to open a new hotel / resort in an area of your choice.
You will need to write out a plan that includes the following:
• Your hotel / resort concept
• Staffing and human resources
• Safety and security
• Your marketing plan
• A discussion about your revenue centers and stream of revenue plan
• Local or global issues that may affect your hotel / resort
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