Month: August 2019 (Page 5 of 6)

The Toyota Company Financial Statement Briefing & Analysis


Write two pages about the Toyota company and its direction from a financial standpoint (This is based on a combination of narrative and quantitative measurements in the annual report.)

B)Discuss the users of the annual report. Describe how users can utilize the information. The suggested length be ½ page.
C) Identify the main financial statements in the annual report and describe the basic financial statement elements. Discuss if the financial statements follow GAAP and how can a user identify if it is compliance with GAAP. The suggested length be 1 page.
D) Discuss the accounting information system related to internal control systems. Based on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, internal controls must be discussed and therefore, the report contains these topics. The suggested length should be 1 page.

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Translation Theory


1-demonstrate advance knowledge of relevant aspects of translation theory as well as techniques applicable to research and advanced scholarship in translation studies.

2-demonstrate a sophisticated grasp of linguistic, textual, literary, cultural, technical, socio-economic, and ethical issues related to translation studies and practice.

3-demonstrate expertise in highly specialized research skills (including in using the research and learning resources available at the university and elsewhere, as well as on the internet

4-demonstrate a high level of competence in conforming to the conventions governing the presentation of advanced academic writing in British Universities and international academic journals in the field of Translation Studies

5-Critically evaluate current research and advance scholarship related to the field of translation.

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TED Talk Analysis


Develop an analysis of a debatable claim. You will select a TED Talk that presents a persuasive argument on a debatable issue. Be sure to record the title, speaker information, and URL for your selected TED Talk.
In a two- to three-page summary, address the following questions.

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