The American Psychology Association (APA) expressly supports academic competence, independence of mind and research affiliation and the necessity to have ethical safeguards in the production of scholarly publications that advance the course of the psychological professions and affiliated ventures. The processes of the conduct of psychological researches face considerable contestations emanating from the unique nature of psychological phenomena and the complexity of psychological data (Parsonson & Alquicira, 2019). As an oversight agency, the APA has a critical role of stewardship in safeguarding the quality and integrity of psychological research and publication for the success of the professions and affiliated institutions of governance. Meaningful psychological research often demands the direct involvement of human participants with privacy and dignity concerns as well as legal preponderance soliciting immense concerns for ethical restraint. The APA’s code of ethics can be divided into five cardinal principles, and the necessity and value of moral systems and safeguards cannot be gainsaid in the affairs of a critically important profession as that of psychology.

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