Write a 12 page paper on diversity in the military. This must incorporate primary literature from psychology journals. The topic isn’t specific but can discuss issues of diversity in the military such as, but not limited to, sexism, homophobia, racial and religious issues. Continue reading
Category: Art (Page 68 of 77)
Analyze the social media campaign of a company brand. Apply 7 articles in depth from the attached as well as other academic sources (must be scholarly article) to interpret the observations and effectiveness of the social media campaign from a psychological perspective. Continue reading
In an essay of no more than 1500 words, identify the key claims of this text, “Hijab Online: The Fashioning of Cyber Islamic Commerce” and discuss the extent to which these claims are supported by evidence. Relate your discussion to what you have learned in A332 Book 2, Controversial Practices (Beattie (ed.), 2013). Continue reading
Is Cognitive Interview an effective investigative instrument in eliciting detailed statements of evidential value? Continue reading
In an essay of no more than 1500 words, identify the key claims of this text “Parity of Muslim and Western Concepts of Just War ” or , and discuss the extent to which these claims are supported by evidence. Relate your discussion to what you have learned in A332 Book 2, Controversial Practices (Beattie (ed.), 2013).At the end, append a list of at least three bullet points indicating the main ways in which you think your chosen text relates to what you have learned in Book 2. Continue reading
In the written assessment students should describe the case-study containing an ethical dilemma. This should be no more than 200 words. Make sure your dilemma is realistic. Identify the ethical issues the dilemma raises – there will be more than one. Identify the different people involved, describe how each one might view the dilemma, and explain why they take this position. Different people might include patients, users, carers, family members, the general public, pressure groups, front-line professional workers, health and social care assistants, youth workers, service managers; Continue reading
In this essay, you will need to discuss in detail reasons why people take drugs, analyse prevalence rates, and evaluate theories of addiction. You could also include attitudes to drug taking, within different arenas such as public, government and media. Continue reading
In today’s information-based economy, information is taken as power and control. To get the right information at the right time to the right people through the right channel is vital in any organization’s decision making processes. Network communication is one of the domains which are pivotal to the information and communication technology. A computer network involves many devices/media responsible for sharing (sending and receiving) data utilizing the transmission media. The internet is an example of such a network which spans globally. Continue reading
After long decades of military governance, the people of Ruritania in South America have now successfully elected a democratic government. The opposition party, that lost by a narrow margin, are hugely discontented arguing that elections were rigged and are seeking all possible avenues for a rerun of the elections. In the meantime, the government is forging ahead with infrastructural development agenda, which, among other things, include the building of: roads, bridges, tunnels, railways, schools, universities, hospitals, and prisons in the capital city. Continue reading
Bondholders generally receive less protections in the documentation of an international bond issue made by a corporate borrower than international commercial banks under the normal syndicated credit agreement for a corporate borrower. Continue reading
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