Category: Dissertation Writing (Page 2 of 83)

SAMPLE PAPER: Employment law


Employment is crucial in ensuring that human needs are addressed. Employment refers to any connection between two people or an individual and a company that governs labour performance for a fee paid by the person or company who benefits from the job. In an employment relationship, employment rules preserve the working connection between the parties involved and control all actions resulting from the relationship. They primarily serves to safeguard both parties engaged in employment contracts.[1] Any breach of the employment contract can result in legal or disciplinary action, as agreed upon before the employment agreement.

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Final Word Count:        X / 1300 words

RQ: How do sportswear clothing brands respond to the stakeholder pressure for more CSR? 

1.  How did companies respond to the arising stakeholder pressure that comes by effectively conducting responsible and effective CSR? 

2.  How did companies deal with the social impact of CSR?

3. How did companies adapt with the new protocols to help cope with stakeholders’ expectations in regards to CSR? 


i) Explain and justify the analytical strategy suitable for the proposed qualitative multiple-case study research design in the Group Assignment. Insert the codebook for the study in Appendix 1.

Think about the topics we covered in the class related to chapter 5 of Yin (2014) and chapter 4 of Miles et al. (2013). The supplementary sources in the Qualitative Research Design Readings are also of interest for this task.

Recommended word count: 200 words

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SAMPLE ESSAY: Stakeholder Pressure for CSR among Sportswear Clothing Brands


            Pressure from stakeholders occurs in diverse ways and on critical issues of governance, sustainable development protocols of environmental concerns, and in the reporting and management concerns. For instance, governance oversight agencies often seek responsive management and corporate leadership to eliminate sweatshop practices. The sourcing of materials and components for the production of diverse garments and dyes ought to respect established environmental protection rules. The UN Global Compact and sustainability indices are a vital international benchmark mechanism for rating and ranking organizations on their impact on society through their strategic initiatives on CSR. The need to comply with stakeholder demands is paramount to the success of the businesses because the industry is highly profitable, and varied stakeholders have diverse conflicts that require effective deliberation and apportionment of responsibilities on ethical concerns. Pressure from stakeholders thus implies the corporations have to constantly invest in suitable promotion, effective public relations, and suitable brand management through direct initiatives of CSR.   

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Sample Essay: Article Summary

Stereotypes have long been known to have negative consequences for those exposed to them because stereotypes are based on broad assumptions that are frequently incorrect. The article Stereotype Danger and Women’s Math Performance by Steven J. Spencer, Claude M. Steele, and Diane M. Quinn investigates the topic of stereotype threat in women’s math performance. According to Spencer, Steele, and Quinn (1999), “No other science has been more concerned with the nature of prejudice and stereotyping than social psychology,” which has extensively studied the content of stereotypes and their impact on social perceptions and behavior (p. 5). 

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Sample Paper: Self Esteem in Organisations

Many organizations can astoundingly improve their productivity and profitability by considering ways to improve their workforce’s self-esteem. Self-esteem is regarded as the product of self-efficacy and self-respect, and people with high self-esteem tend to yield better in the face of diverse task challenges within organizations or communities. Effective organizations should consider mechanisms of improving and ensuring high self-esteem and self-respect within their workforce (Abdel-Khalek, 2016). Organizations work as communities. Therefore, it is imperative to consider culture as a holistic pact; thus, talent management and recruitment programs prioritize useful aspects of individual social functioning within the organization. Moreover, leadership styles and management choices have to reflect the need to cultivate self-esteem components in the organizational process.

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Sample Paper: Information Technology

Society is characterized by disruptive technologies, and the leading among them are Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, and Blockchain. It is expected that once the full potentials of supercomputing is achieved through ongoing research, a major shift in society will result because the computing power will perform amazing tasks with great simplicity and ease (Bughin et al., 2019). Machine learning enables diverse robotic and mechanical automation to be executed. Machines can be exposed to routine encounters using a massive amount of data to learn how to execute intelligent motion. Machine learning and artificial intelligence enable many hybrid and innovative functions to be inbuilt in automatic processes like in the vending machines and autonomous vehicles. Artificial intelligence and Machine learning are currently the most disruptive technologies in society because they have created massive automation in diverse fields and have supported the erection of computing systems in research where human capacity and operations would be severely limited. Giga factories with large-scale robotic and automated machine operations depend effectively on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.   

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Law Quiz

Credit :
  1. Which statement is correct?
    1. Any nonperformance when performance is due is a breach.
    1. A party has not breached if he has substantially performed.
  2. If a court determines that a party has substantially performed, then the other party
    1. has the right to terminate the contract.
    1. has the right to suspend performance.
    1. has no rights.
    1. may seek damages for any loss caused by the breach.
  3. If enforced by the court, what is the typical effect of a “time is of the essence” clause?
    1. A partially breaching party who is late in performing is given time to cure the breach.
    1. The clause negates the right of the breaching party to cure if he is late in performance
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Business Decision Making


Question 1

Tolkien Transport is currently based in Leeds but has plans to expand its operations by setting up another depot in the south of England. The management team has identified four possible locations for the depot and these are listed in the decision matrix below. As a first step they have decided to use a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) to rank the options. After much discussion, the team have decided on three key criteria (Cost, Accessibility and Environmental Impact) against which to judge the options and have agreed on the ratings shown in the matrix, below (running from 4 for the best to 1 for worst under each criterion). The criteria have been weighted as follows: Cost (0.45), Accessibility (0.35) and Environmental Impact (0.2).

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Israeli Intelligence Capabilities


Based on the course readings and websites, categorize Israel’s ability to collect intelligence in each of the five disciplines (OSINT, GEOINT, HUMINT, MASINT, SIGINT, and cyber) against hostile nations or organizations as either (1) highly capable; (2) capable; or (3) marginally capable. Be sure your response clearly identifies the specific organization, bureau, or responsible for performing the associated collection.  

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