Many organizations can astoundingly improve their productivity and profitability by considering ways to improve their workforce’s self-esteem. Self-esteem is regarded as the product of self-efficacy and self-respect, and people with high self-esteem tend to yield better in the face of diverse task challenges within organizations or communities. Effective organizations should consider mechanisms of improving and ensuring high self-esteem and self-respect within their workforce (Abdel-Khalek, 2016). Organizations work as communities. Therefore, it is imperative to consider culture as a holistic pact; thus, talent management and recruitment programs prioritize useful aspects of individual social functioning within the organization. Moreover, leadership styles and management choices have to reflect the need to cultivate self-esteem components in the organizational process.

            Self-esteem is developed through varied mechanisms. According to social learning theory and developmental psychology, people learn social dispositions from childhood, and early developmental stages yield an important contribution to the later functioning in individuals’ lives. Parental love and guidance, social conditioning, and support among friends and siblings or the wider community’s approach to the regulation of cohesion among the members lead to better self-esteem levels. Rigid methods and mean control mechanisms in society tend to deprive people of their dignity and thereby to make them discontented and distraught within the very social matrix in which they live or work (Kamalan, 2019). Fortunately, within organizations, self-esteem can be reinforced by acknowledging people’s good qualities and rewarding people for achievements. Organizations can institute varied reward mechanisms and sanctions to errant behavior without adversely harming individuals’ self-esteem.   

            Organizations can leverage their workforce policies in manners that promote close collaboration among teams and minimize stress or burnouts, which tend to diminish people’s good feelings about themselves. Moreover, the workforce programs that support self-esteem can be solicited if the organization identifies the workforce segments who suffer esteem-related issues through behavioral, cognitive therapy interventions. People with low self-esteem tend to underperform and could be highly irritable within the organization. They display a heightened sense of self-consciousness, which erodes self-respect and containment. Low self-esteem also produces poor coping ability with ordinary work challenges and interpersonal relationships. Low self-esteem also erodes emotional intelligence, which is vital in effective collaboration in a work environment. Contrarily, high self-esteem can be associated with boisterousness and pride, which also affects productivity. In both cases, effective organizational stewardship is necessary to produce optimal outcomes.  

            Workplaces bring together people of different personality traits and social dispositions. The troublesome personality dispositions like perfectionism can be balanced with other tendencies to make the workplace a harmonious process with diversity. Organizations can model useful events and learning that promote robust management of the emotional states of workers. In an environment of disruptive economic and social changes in society, interventions that ensure security and welfare support initiatives can go a long way in promoting self-esteem. Inter-organizational collaborations to provide healthcare, educational opportunity, and other forms of social privileges like membership to relevant professional associations and clubs can be astoundingly rewarding. Disillusionment and despair that emanate from job insecurity and technological disruption can significantly harm individual workers’ emotional state, thus making them vulnerable. 

            A balanced view of organizational management, taking into account the need to make sacrifices on specific concerns, is relevant. Sacrifice, which is supported by the necessity to delay gratification before achieving results, is the hallmark of wise leadership. In organizations where the administration seeks to achieve baseless happiness without effects would be defeated in critical concerns. The concern about self-esteem in organizations is somewhat a political rather than a pure management concern because it transcends the boundaries of platonic professional management concerns in organizations. However, practical measures to institute a delicate balance of incentives and sanctions to behavior can yield immensely for the organization in security, high self-esteem, and high productivity.    

            Social support bases that promote effective self-esteem regulation are vital safeguards in ensuring the organization models a suitable outlook concerning the social dimensions of workforce management—for instance, having a mindfulness policy in all management communication processes would sustain interpersonal relations and respect, which promote esteem. The management of occupational stress and modeling suitable ergonomic profiles associated with working conditions can greatly improve social competence and reinforce self-efficacy among the workers. Moreover, supportive supervision methods and a robust provision of basic amenities of self-care can positively influence self-esteem among the workers (Jamroch, Barreda & Kageyama, 2020). Organizational structures can enable and promote favorable social development among the workers to enhance self-esteem and promote its positive rewards. 

            Self-esteem has a sociological dimension because it lies at the heart of societal regulation. The constitutional concept of man’s unalienable rights and dignity stems from everyone’s desire to be respected and to feel security and a sense of worth. Although managers may not have training on the rigors of self-esteem and the vast sociological issues associated with it, there should be a simple rule to treat people with dignity and afford their fundamental rights and privileges within organizations. Treatment of workers in manners that can produce ceaseless depression and tear down their well-being can be regarded as cruel and may deteriorate their self-esteem irreparably. However, respecting workers and recognizing critical limits, compassionate approval of their efforts, and recognition of their sacrifices can offer suitable solace even in the absence of incentives and financial rewards (Karami, Karimi & Jamshidi, 2018). Moreover, self-esteem is attained when there is trust. Organizations that cultivate confidence among the workforce can better deal with external pressure and adversity than those where there is social prejudice, racism, nepotism, vertical hierarchy, and even autocratic leadership styles.    

Individual employees experience changes throughout their lifespan, and effective organizations find ways to allow them to advance through the lifespan with dignity and integrity. For instance, promotion packages that would enable workers to advance through the ranks will allow them to attain status and respect as they become senior members progressively. Age and class are important considerations in how people judge their position in society. Enabling workers to learn and develop while affiliated to organizations enables them to achieve self-actualization, which ensures their self-esteem and respect (Rogers & Ashforth, 2017). Low self-esteem produces all manner of social dysfunctions that lead to all the adverse social outcomes in teams and organizations. Society is often regulated by fear, and when people perceive the existence of a pervasive and intimidating authority in their condition, their growth and development are quashed. Organizations can take an active role in undoing the notions and misrepresentations of power and hierarchy that diminish creativity, individual initiative, and robust advancement.  

In conclusion, self-esteem is a good indicator of organizational excellence. Management and leadership styles that diminish employee dignity and self-worth systemically fail to attain optimal productivity. Each organization has its unique systems, and the promotion of self-esteem is a vital concern, particularly in the face of contemporary workplaces and society characterized by incessant change and insecurity. Low self-esteem is associated with many failures, shame, and despair in organizations and society. Moreover, society is characterized by social order; the contemporary work and life scenario produced by the digital revolution alienates everyone. Active and proactive indulgences within organizations to correct self-esteem concerns are relevant and necessary today than in all previous eras. Inspirational leadership within the framework of dissolved hierarchies and aggressive management dispositions can enable employees to develop high self-esteem and yield astounding results for their organizations.          


Abdel-Khalek, A. M. (2016). Introduction to the psychology of self-esteem. Self-esteem: perspectives, influences, and improvement strategies, 1-17.

Jamroch, G., Barreda, A. A., & Kageyama, Y. (2020). The relationship between organizational    self-esteem, commitment, tipping, and organizational citizenship behaviors: a case in the     foodservice industry. Journal of Tourism Management Research7(1), 1-10.

Kamalan, A. E. (2019). Economics and Sociological Foundations of Prosocial Behavior: A          Theoretical Survey. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research3(1),       164-168.

Karami, M., Karimi, A., & Jamshidi, A. (2018). Management Substitution Patterns in The            Current Era. International Journal of Applied Research in Management and Economics,     1(1), 26-34.

Rogers, K. M., & Ashforth, B. E. (2017). Respect in organizations: Feeling valued as “we” and    “me”. Journal of Management43(5), 1578-1608.