There are some verbs or verbal periphrases which, even though they may not display the typical properties of ‘normal,’ mainstream auxiliaries (the NICE properties), nonetheless share at least some of them. In particular, some verbal expressions which combine with contentful verbs can be shown to allow passivization in the same way as auxiliaries. Continue reading
Category: Homework Help (Page 45 of 89)
What were the origins and development of the trans-Atlantic slave trade? Explain how long-distance seafaring and trading post empires played a role in this development. Also, explain the different stages in which the enslaved came from Africa and worked in the New World plantation complex? Continue reading
Using supporting documentation from at least one nursing publication, describe how evidence-based practice is different from research. How would you identify a research project as being an evidence-based intervention project versus the creation of knowledge in a nursing research project? Continue reading
Seeds: where in your current life do you experience the seeds and early beginnings of the future that you want to create?
Prototyping: Over the next three months, if you were to prototype a microcosm of the future in which you would discover by doing, what would it look like?
People: who can help you make your highest future possibilities a reality? Who might be your core helpers & partners? Continue reading
A change in exchange rate through its effect on the costs of inputs, outputs, and substitute goods affects the competitive position of domestic companies with no direct international involvement relative to foreign corporations. The financial literature focuses on the effect of oil price changes on stock returns, economic growth and some macroeconomic variables, however the literature is still not inclusive about the effect of oil price changes on financial variables, more specifically the value of the firms. Continue reading
Imagine that you are a counselor in an after school drop-in center. You have known 16-year-old Anthony for about a year, as he regularly comes to the center to play basketball and video games with his friends. You have noticed that he has been coming in less frequently in the last two months and, when he is at the center, he is quiet and appears angry or sad. One afternoon, Anthony tells you that his parents are divorcing and his father is moving out of state. Continue reading
Explore the factors involved in healthy eating and weight management. Breakdown the differences in eating disorders, overeating, and obesity. Evaluate behaviors which lead to unhealthy eating, weight, and exercise. Assess the media’s role in the development of problematic views on eating, weight, and exercise. Continue reading
Give a summary of the refugee crisis in Syria followed by what you think the United States should do in response to this issue. Use ethical Frameworks to support your essay and apply main tenets of the frameworks. Continue reading
Write a research paper on communication skills. The general nature of the paper is flexible, but it should relate to one or more of the topics that we discuss during the course. The paper should utilize but at the same time go beyond what we covered throughout the session about communication skills in the workplace. Continue reading
Review the seven types of power and then explain a supporting concept to the developmental cycle is behavior modification. What are some of the pros and cons of behavioral modification? Is engaging in behavioral modification an ethical managerial behavior? Why or why not? Continue reading
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