Category: Homework Help (Page 48 of 89)

A Rose For Emily


Write a 5 paragraph essay analyzing the theme of Old South vs. New South in William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily.”. The essay must be MLA formatted, must contain at least one quote from each story that you use, must have citations in the essay and include a works Cited page.  Continue reading

The Importance of Writing Client Notes


The ability to write good contact notes is important because these notes constitute the written record about the service a person receives from you. In addition, these notes serve to document changes in the person, the person’s life, and the service plan. One of the objectives is to keep the notes brief. Too much information can be overwhelming for the reader and can easily be taken out of context. Continue reading

Black Sitcoms on Representing Black Life on TV


In Marlon Riggs’ Color Adjustment, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. states that Black sitcoms of the 1970s represented both the greatest potential for representing Black life in television’s history and also the greatest failure. Why? Conduct a close analysis of either the “Juneteenth: The Musical” episode of Blackish (ABC, October 3, 2017) or the “B-, Don’t Kill My Vibe” episode of Grown-ish (Freeform, January 3, 2018). How does this current sitcom exhibit similar possibilities and/or failure? Why or why not? Continue reading

Benefits of Nursing Informatics Policy


Imagine an organization asks you to contribute to the development of an information system best-practices policy to help maintain patient safety and patient confidentiality in their practice setting. The organization wants you to create a document to help the group better understand why an informatics policy is needed and the practices that should be included in the policy. Continue reading

Gradual Changes in Romantic Relationships


You will complete a qualitative research project about turning points, or changes across time in relationships. The goal of this project is to help you better understand communication in a specific type of relationship while giving you the opportunity to apply skills and concepts learned .

Turning points are significant events that either cause a relationship to increase or decrease in closeness. Some examples of turning points in  romantic relationships include first dates, big fights, and engagement  Continue reading

Caring by Nel


Write a book review of the book Caring by Nel. You should discuss the main ideas of the book, the importance of those ideas, comparison with other ideas, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the author’s argument and evidence,
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