In this Assignment you will identify a quality improvement practice problem, evidence-based practice articles, and propose an evidence-based practice plan that you will use to address the practice problem. Capstone Paper Overview The Capstone Paper is 4-5 pages in length. Drafts of the first three sections of the paper (Practice Problem; Purpose, Methods, and Findings; and Quality Improvement Process) are submitted in Week 3. The last three sections (Evidence-Based Practice Performance Improvement Plan Explanation, Resources, and Summary) are submitted in Week 5. Continue reading
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This report is based on an organisation from a tourism sub-sector of your choice e.g. accommodation providers, airlines, visitor attractions, travel agents, tour operators, cruise companies, etc. During this task you need to ensure that your entire argument focuses on your chosen organisation and that it provides a RELEVANT and CRITICAL analysis of the sector. Continue reading
Reyna Grande’s memoir, The Distance Between Us, recounts her childhood and adolescence in Mexico and the United States. As the title suggests, Grande and her siblings experienced, succumbed to, and overcame many kinds of “distance” on their way to adulthood. Consider how the theme of distance, in its many forms, is present in the book to
You are a claims handler for XYZ plc, a UK-based insurer. You are approached
by a policyholder who owns and operates a hotel. An employee of the hotel has
been injured in an accident in the hotel’s kitchen, whilst using an item of kitchen
equipment. The hotel’s Head Chef is concerned that the kitchen equipment was
defective at the time of the accident. Continue reading
DIY Stores (DIYS) is a chain of large warehouse-style stores selling DIY equipment, self-assembly furniture, plumbing appliances and garden tools. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a larger retail group and is ranked in the top five in terms of its UK market share. Its annual turnover exceeds £50 billion and its annual profits are around £1 million. DIYS currently runs 250 stores across the country, serves over a million customers a week and employs 12,000 people. Continue reading
Analyze the key concepts of patient-centered care Assignment . In this writing assignment, you will make recommendations to improve the literacy level of patient education materials 1. A two-page (500-word) paper a. Choose patient education material. Evaluate the material you choose for literacy: i. Choose a patient education material that you routinely give to your patients. ii. Alternatively, go to the National Institute on Aging and choose a health topic written for the older adult. Continue reading
A reflection essay on my experience with the Volkswagen group activity. It should include a review of both my effectiveness as a group member and the effectiveness of the group as a whole. A Theory of reflective practice such as Kolbs learning cycle should be used. The emphasis should be on a critical evaluation not on self promotion. Continue reading
Write an essay analyzing two or more essays taking different positions on an issue. You may also draw on other sources for background information or context. Your purpose is to analyze the position essays to understand their authors’ main points of disagreement and to suggest ways to build common ground based on shared values, concerns, needs, and interests. Continue reading
This case helps you the students to see that supervision goes beyond a one-on-one process, affecting the integration of individual and organizational goals. The new head of a substance abuse program has taken the job because he has strong ideas about how services should be provided and how members of the clinical staff should be treated. Although he has explained his philosophy to all of the new hires, he has not convinced the therapists who were already on staff when he arrived. It soon begins to seem as though all of the staff members have lost their enthusiasm for the work. Continue reading
After 82 years in existence, Hostess took action to liquidate the company after disagreements with worker unions. The company filed for bankruptcy in January 2012 and, as a measure for restructuring the company, reduced employees’ wages and increased health care costs. As a result, employees became discontented with their work situation and commenced a strike. The company claimed it could not maintain production with so many workers on strike. When Hostess could not come to an agreement with one of the unions, the company announced it was shutting its doors for good.
Although the strike may have been the impetus for the immediate liquidation of Hostess, this is not the only reason the firm has been struggling. Failure to adapt to changing consumer tastes has dwindled sales of the snack cakes over many years. Continue reading
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