Category: Leadership (Page 30 of 57)

Define & Explain Plagiarism


Because of the increased ease of information, plagiarism has become a growing issue in academia, particularly with online learning. We want to be careful that we are always using our own words and citing appropriately in our discussions and our assignments. Plagiarism is considered to be a very serious offense and will be treated as such.

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The SARA Decision Making Model

The problem-solving process developed to build problem-solving partnerships consist of a 4 step, decision-making model, SARA (Scanning, Analysis, Response, Assessment). Put yourself in the shoes of a commander for the police department and think of the resources you would want to help combat this issue. Think of options that are more than just throwing more officers at the problem. Also, think outside of the creating a curfew idea as well. 

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Italian Neo-Realism Audiovisual Essay


This script is for an Audio-Visual Essay and must demonstrate an understanding of what European art cinema involves in relation to Bicycle Thieves (1948) and its corresponding film movement (Italian Neo-Realism).
How does Bicycle Thieves reflect a European Art cinema sensibility?
Discuss the Mise-en-scène (set design, lighting and location) Make sure to separate each one in a paragraph and label each paragraph. 

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Writing a Pedagogical Creed


Write your own pedagogical creed following the detail template
No source references are expected (although if you have a quote you “live by”, include it). This work should reflect your own thoughts about schooling, society, teaching and learning.
Structure: use subtitle to divide and organize this paper. Begin each section on a new page. 

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Working in the International Business Arena


What is it like to be a business professional working in the international business arena? Your assignment is to interview an individual whose occupation involves significant exposure to international business dealings (sales, purchasing, legal contracts, logistics, marketing, etc.). Get to know what their reality is in adjusting to the challenges created by international implications.

The interview with your subject should last at least 20minutes in length with the preferred format being in-person, via telephone is acceptable, and electronic interviews are the last resort. Review the following questions: Continue reading

The Best Companies to Work for in America


Using materials from magazines such as Forbes, Fortune, Working Women, and BusinessWeek, research the best companies to work for in America and the cultures of those organizations. Out of all the companies identified in Step 1, choose two companies where you would most like to work. Write a report on the two companies you have selected. Include what you discovered about the cultures of these two organizations and why you would like to work there. Examine the impact that you think the management has on the organization’s culture. Continue reading

There Affordable Care Act


Each of these materials below addresses the financial aspect of the Affordable Care Act. Review them and write a brief description of your initial, emotional reaction to the cartoon. Think critically about the message that the cartoon attempts to communicate. Describe your personal position regarding this message. Continue reading

Analyzing ‘A Celebration of Emancipation’


Lorna Goodison’s poem, “A Celebration of Emancipation,” deals with the Emancipation Act of 1834 which abolished slavery in the English colonies of the Caribbean, but did not grant full freedom to the slaves until they had completed what was termed “Apprenticeship,” an additional four years of mandatory labor on the sugar estates. The poem depicts the attitudes of those who were made free earlier to those who were still tied by Apprenticeship to the estates. Continue reading

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