Category: Leadership (Page 33 of 57)

Is Drinking & Smoking a Normal Part of Adolescent Life Today?


Has getting drunk and smoking Cannabis become a normal part of adolescent life? After reading two articles, discuss to what extent you agree or disagree with the idea that drinking and drug use have become normative. You should refer to the findings and theory of the articles as well as to your own opinion. You may have a different answer for different kinds of substances and/or in different circumstances or you may not. Continue reading

How Menu Design & Pricing Affects a Restaurant


The topic of menu design and pricing is often an overlooked and poorly planned critical task in hotel management. When implemented wrongly, it becomes an operational nuisance. In most cases, it is the key factor that generates endless guest complaints, employee dissatisfaction, potential legal liabilities, decreasing sales and financial losses for a restaurant.Understanding the effects, time and financial investment needed to create this important operational tool is important. A manager should be able to assess the effectiveness of an operation’s food and beverage menus to offer sound suggestions on necessary changes that should be made based on approaches, techniques, and theories recommended by industry experts. Continue reading

Analyzing 3 Crime Fiction Novels


Analyze  three crime fiction novels you’ve read  and attempt to compare and contrast them to put them in conversation with each other. Please make sure to cite sources and give other people credit for their ideas. Review the instructions below for more details about the assignment and how your work will be assessed. You must explore cultural differences between these two works and while analyzing systems of power among individuals, communities, and/or institutions in these cultures. You must organize your paper around a central claim about the similarities and/or differences between the novels. You must argue in favor of your thesis through sound reasoning and providing evidence from the text. You must also aim to engage with perspectives that might be different from your own, whether you have encountered these views through research or have simply attempted to imagine how others might think about the issue, showing that you have a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of these perspectives. Continue reading

Critiquing Readings on Zhen He


Critique four readings on Zhen He,  and comment on the meaning of the stories. How is Zheng He and his naval diplomatic missions remembered? What makes each story remarkable? Why study it today? Which author, in your opinion, does the best job of detailing Zheng? What is He’s journey and importance in history? Why? Assess and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the presentation of each reading. Continue reading

Mental Healthcare Reforms


Discuss the objectives, goals, advantages, and disadvantages related to mental health reforms and the current health care system. What role does this aspect play in improving health care services for individuals as well as the community? What would you implement to improve its health care services for the community? Provide a comprehensive analysis of the subject. Continue reading

The Life & Work of B.F Skinner


B. F. Skinner was a pioneer in the field of psychology. He built on the behaviorist theories of Ivan Pavlov and John Watson, emphasizing the importance of using reward and punishment to change behavior. His methods continue to be influential in the fields of psychology and education, including computer-based instruction. Write a three- to five-page paper, and a bibliography, on the life and work of B. F. Skinner, founder of the operant conditioning school of behavioral psychology. This project will increase your knowledge of B. F. Skinner’s life and work and help you recognize his continuing influence in the psychology and education fields. Using five or more sources, research Skinner’s life and major contributions to the field of psychology.
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An Analysis on Why The Faithful Approve of Torture


Consider the  article  Why the Faithful Approve of Torture.  From the perspective of, (e.g., Bill Moyers, the Politics of Denial/Raised to Rage, personality, and politics), comment on the article.  You can agree or disagree with the article’s explanation for why the religious appear to support torture, but refer to material whenever you can in your answer. Continue reading

Raised to Rage/ Politics of Denial in Trump’s Presidency


From what you have observed of the Donald Trump’s  presidency, analyze his administration’s behavior from your perspective. To what extent, if any, do concepts from Raised to Rage/Politics of Denial play a role? This should not be just your opinions, positive or negative, about the current administration, but should be your application from Raised to Rage/Politics of denial. Continue reading

Food Safety Programs in Your Area


Food safety is an important aspect of public health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 1 in 6 Americans (or 48 million people) gets sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die of food borne illness annually in the United States. Therefore, a food safety program is an essential service that public health programs provide to protect and improve the health of populations. For this assignment, analyze the food safety program in your city or county and discuss whether the program is adequately implemented to protect the public. Design an educational brief related to food borne illnesses in order to improve public’s knowledge about food safety (specifically for your city). Continue reading

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