Category: Personal Statement (Page 23 of 36)

Would You do a “Designer Baby” if Given Opportunity?


Would you do “designer baby” if you given opportunity? In the 1970s, Dr. Robert Graham believed that he could save the world by helping to create babies with a higher IQ. The concept of genetic engineering in humans was also coming to light at this time. As reproductive technologies continue to improve, men and women have greater choices in how they conceive and in how they create embryos.

The new technologies allow for gene selection for things such as eye color, hair color, and even sex! Aside from the many ethical issues, there is also discussion about how much of our development is ultimately based upon those genes, our nature, and how much is related to environmental influences, our nature. 

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The American Revolution


Explain what the motive behind the American Revolution was. Was the ultimate purpose to remake the American society into an inclusive, democratic nation, or was it simply to seek independence from Britain?  In what ways were certain groups of Americans affected by the revolution?

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Why Plutarch Felt that Greece Should Appropriate funds for Public Works & Building Projects?


Read the excerpt from Plutarch’s speech on public works programs. After you do, discuss the reasons Plutarch felt that Greece should appropriate funds to pay some of its citizens to do public works and building projects? Is there anything similar to this in the current structure of the United States government, or has there been in the past?

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Annotated Bibliography


An annotated bibliography is a genre of research writing that is used to conduct preliminary research on an issue. Your annotated bibliography will identify, summarize, evaluate, and assess the relevancy of sources to your research topic and inform your awareness of your community of study. Select 5 distinct scholarly sources that, collectively, provide various perspectives on a single issue/question/debate. 

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What My Social Media Profile Says About Me


 If you have a social media account, in this five-paragraph essay, discuss what your social media profile most prominently says about you and how this is accomplished. You will take into consideration your photos, posts, groups, liked pages, friends list, and any other categories that play a role in defining your online persona. For example, I may deduce that my Facebook profile shows that I am an outdoor enthusiast. This is displayed through my photos, posts, and groups. You can take a fun or serious approach. It is up to you. If you do not have a social media account, write a five-paragraph essay stating three reasons why you have chosen not to have a social media account.

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The Fundamental Building Blocks of Historical Writing


Read and analyze books and journals on the Spanish-American War then formulate a specific thesis statement drawing on the material. You will craft a detailed outline of the essay you would write using these materials. The purpose of this assignment is to focus your attention on the fundamental building blocks of historical writing.

• Source 1. Excerpt from President James Monroe’s Seventh Annual Message to Congress, December 2, 1823. 
• Source 2. Excerpt from New York Journal and Advertiser, February 17, 1898. 
• Source 3. Excerpt from New York Times, February 17, 1898. 
• Source 4. Alfred Thayer Mahan, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1805 (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1890), 1-5. 
• Source 5. Marie Elizabeth Lamb, Awake United States! (New Orleans, LA: 1898). 
• Source 6. Excerpt from Albert J. Beveridge’s Senate campaign speech, September 16, 1898. 
• Source 7. Theodore Roosevelt, “The Strenuous Life,” April 10, 1899. 
• Source 8. The Anti-Imperialist Position, March 25, 1899. 
• Source 9. Excerpt from President William McKinley’s War Message to Congress, April 11, 1898. 

C. Source Summaries: 

Choose five sources from the nine listed above that you will use for your analysis. After reading each chosen document carefully, write a one-paragraph summary (at least five sentences) of each source. Include the following information: Who wrote it? What is the central theme of the source? What arguments are made? You will end up with five paragraphs, each containing at least five sentences. Label each paragraph with the source number, as follows:

D. Thesis Statement:

Now you will develop an original thesis statement of your own. You will draw upon the knowledge you have gained from the primary sources, the textbook chapter, and the lecture. If you were to write an essay about this topic, what argument would you make? History essays advance a thesis and then prove that argument with evidence. A strong thesis is both clear and specific. Often, a thesis statement is actually a spoken answer to an unspoken (hidden) question. A hidden question might be “Why did America become involved in the Spanish-American War?” You would not state that question in your essay, but your thesis statement would give the answer to that question. Your thesis statement might be “America became involved in the Spanish-American War for three primary reasons. First….” Other hidden questions you might answer could include “Why did some Americans oppose involvement in the Spanish-American War?” or “How were various groups affected by American involvement in the Spanish-American War?” Feel free to make up your own hidden question, but be sure that your thesis statement is a clear, specific answer to your hidden question.

Your thesis statement should be between one and three sentences. Be sure to label it as follows:

Thesis Statement: Some Americans opposed involvement in the Spanish-American War because …

E. Outline
Now you are ready to create your detailed outline. Using bullet points or a traditional outline format, outline the essay you would write. Your outline should include at least five paragraphs. Each paragraph should have at least three body points. Your body points for each paragraph should be complete sentences. For each paragraph, indicate the sources you would use. You should include at least two references in each paragraph. They can be from the same source, but different paragraphs. To reference the sources, use the format that follows, indicating the source and paragraph number, if available (if not, don’t worry about it). Include your thesis statement as well as the five sources you summarized. You may also include additional sources from the list. Please do not use any additional research for this project. 

F. Hint: When you finish building your outline, revisit your thesis statement. Most often, you will discover that your work has given you new insights that you will want to use to refine your original thesis. Tighten your thesis so that it aligns with your outline.

G. Be careful not to plagiarize on this assignment, as described on the course syllabus. Use your own words and ideas. Trust your own judgment. 

H. If you would like to see an example of what your assignment format should look like, see the document “Assignment2Template.”

Factors that Influenced the Athenian Decision to Invade Sicily


What factors and incentives influenced the Athenian decision to invade Sicily? How might Nicias, an experienced and respected general, have communicated the risks of the campaign more effectively?

Reference materials must come from Robert Strawser, ED., The landmark Thucydides: A Comprehensive Guide to the Peloponnesian War (New York: The Free Press 1996).

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