Category: Philosophy (Page 21 of 34)

The American Revolution


Explain what the motive behind the American Revolution was. Was the ultimate purpose to remake the American society into an inclusive, democratic nation, or was it simply to seek independence from Britain?  In what ways were certain groups of Americans affected by the revolution?

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Why Plutarch Felt that Greece Should Appropriate funds for Public Works & Building Projects?


Read the excerpt from Plutarch’s speech on public works programs. After you do, discuss the reasons Plutarch felt that Greece should appropriate funds to pay some of its citizens to do public works and building projects? Is there anything similar to this in the current structure of the United States government, or has there been in the past?

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Annotated Bibliography


An annotated bibliography is a genre of research writing that is used to conduct preliminary research on an issue. Your annotated bibliography will identify, summarize, evaluate, and assess the relevancy of sources to your research topic and inform your awareness of your community of study. Select 5 distinct scholarly sources that, collectively, provide various perspectives on a single issue/question/debate. 

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Decreasing Waste in Supply Chain, Material & Inventory Management


You have discovered that your unit is challenged with an overabundance of supplies. You recognize the overall waste and inefficiencies this creates in your unit. This week, identify issues in the supply chain, material and inventory management that can be used to decrease waste, improve efficiencies and increase value to the unit, hospital and patient satisfaction.

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What My Social Media Profile Says About Me


 If you have a social media account, in this five-paragraph essay, discuss what your social media profile most prominently says about you and how this is accomplished. You will take into consideration your photos, posts, groups, liked pages, friends list, and any other categories that play a role in defining your online persona. For example, I may deduce that my Facebook profile shows that I am an outdoor enthusiast. This is displayed through my photos, posts, and groups. You can take a fun or serious approach. It is up to you. If you do not have a social media account, write a five-paragraph essay stating three reasons why you have chosen not to have a social media account.

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Factors that Influenced the Athenian Decision to Invade Sicily


What factors and incentives influenced the Athenian decision to invade Sicily? How might Nicias, an experienced and respected general, have communicated the risks of the campaign more effectively?

Reference materials must come from Robert Strawser, ED., The landmark Thucydides: A Comprehensive Guide to the Peloponnesian War (New York: The Free Press 1996).

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Define & Explain Plagiarism


Because of the increased ease of information, plagiarism has become a growing issue in academia, particularly with online learning. We want to be careful that we are always using our own words and citing appropriately in our discussions and our assignments. Plagiarism is considered to be a very serious offense and will be treated as such.

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The SARA Decision Making Model

The problem-solving process developed to build problem-solving partnerships consist of a 4 step, decision-making model, SARA (Scanning, Analysis, Response, Assessment). Put yourself in the shoes of a commander for the police department and think of the resources you would want to help combat this issue. Think of options that are more than just throwing more officers at the problem. Also, think outside of the creating a curfew idea as well. 

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