Category: Sample Paper (Page 2 of 51)

SAMPLE ESSAY: Stakeholder Pressure for CSR among Sportswear Clothing Brands


            Pressure from stakeholders occurs in diverse ways and on critical issues of governance, sustainable development protocols of environmental concerns, and in the reporting and management concerns. For instance, governance oversight agencies often seek responsive management and corporate leadership to eliminate sweatshop practices. The sourcing of materials and components for the production of diverse garments and dyes ought to respect established environmental protection rules. The UN Global Compact and sustainability indices are a vital international benchmark mechanism for rating and ranking organizations on their impact on society through their strategic initiatives on CSR. The need to comply with stakeholder demands is paramount to the success of the businesses because the industry is highly profitable, and varied stakeholders have diverse conflicts that require effective deliberation and apportionment of responsibilities on ethical concerns. Pressure from stakeholders thus implies the corporations have to constantly invest in suitable promotion, effective public relations, and suitable brand management through direct initiatives of CSR.   

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Sample Essay: Theory of Mind Article Summary

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), schizophrenia affects 1 in 300 (approximately 24 million) people worldwide, causing psychosis and compromising their cognitive capacity, behavior, and moods (World Health Organization). The article Theory of Mind in Schizophrenia by Mirjam Sprong, Patricia Schothorst, Ellen Vos, Joop Hox, and Herman Van Engeland investigates the theory of mind and its relationship to schizophrenia, concluding that the “theory of mind is impaired in individuals with schizophrenia” (Sprong et al. 5). The primary goal of the article is to “assess the magnitude of the deficit and analyze associated factors,” as well as to “investigate the extent of mentalizing impairment in people with schizophrenia” (Sprong et al. 5,10). 

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Sample Paper: Self Esteem in Organisations

Many organizations can astoundingly improve their productivity and profitability by considering ways to improve their workforce’s self-esteem. Self-esteem is regarded as the product of self-efficacy and self-respect, and people with high self-esteem tend to yield better in the face of diverse task challenges within organizations or communities. Effective organizations should consider mechanisms of improving and ensuring high self-esteem and self-respect within their workforce (Abdel-Khalek, 2016). Organizations work as communities. Therefore, it is imperative to consider culture as a holistic pact; thus, talent management and recruitment programs prioritize useful aspects of individual social functioning within the organization. Moreover, leadership styles and management choices have to reflect the need to cultivate self-esteem components in the organizational process.

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Sample Essay: How the Internet is Affecting Health

The internet and digital transition in the economy have had far more profound effects on not only health but also society as a whole. The internet has affected how physicians interact with patients, the access to health information and health products, as well as the management of health records to boost the understanding of diseases and the epidemiological responses to conditions (Tan & Goonawardene, 2017). The internet affects whole lifestyles, and increased automation of work, virtualization of work experience and digitization of communication have made it possible for many people to remain relatively sedentary and immobile. The internet has affected social interaction, and many people are lonely, which leads to depression and poor problem-solving abilities that aggravate wellbeing. Internet usage morbidity occurs along the spectrum of the alterations of lifestyle and socialization on virtual environments. In particular, social media leads to potentially injurious psychological and psychosocial adjustments.  

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Cultural Diversity

Image result for Cultural Diversity

In your human services profession, you are assigned to a location with a culture very different from your own, The orthodox Jewish community. In this location, you know you are an outsider. In your paper, address the following:

  1. Briefly provide an introduction about the culture in which you
    are feeling uncomfortable
  2. Share how you plan to assess the profile of the culture and the
    value of knowing the profile.
  3. Examine yourself for explicit and implicit biases and
    associated strategies to minimize the biases.
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Goat Days by Benyamin


This essay is based on your reading of Goat Days by Benyamin. And the article on the migration of workers from Kerala to the countries of the Persian Gulf.

How does the academic treatment of labor migration compare to its fictional treatment in the novel? Does the novel reveal aspects of the experience that academic research does not? And conversely does academic research reveal aspects of the phenomenon that fiction does not? Which is more important for understanding the phenomenon of labor migration: the macro level analysis of the social sciences or micro account of subjective experience that novels portray?

Power Balance Between USA & China


Are the US and China heading towards another Cold War? Or not? Will these two nations remain interdependent, or not? What is your informed opinion? how can we best stabilize the world? With a single hegemonic (dominant) superpower? With multilateral institutions (EU, UN, WTO, etc.)? Or with a “balance of power” between superpowers like we had in the Cold War — between the US and Soviet Union (1947-1991)?

Environmental & Climate Change


Humans evidently have known much about the environment and climate change for decades, yet somehow this ‘knowledge did not translate into power’ yet (Oreskes & Conway, 2014).  What does it mean to say that ‘knowledge did not translate into power’ in this context?  Why has the world, to a large extent, failed to adequately act on this knowledge? 

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