Review “Porphyria’s Lover” by Robert Browning and answer the following questions
1. Who is the speaker?
2. What is the situation?
3. What is the tone?
4. Is there a shift?
5. What is the effect of the form and structure?
Review “Porphyria’s Lover” by Robert Browning and answer the following questions
1. Who is the speaker?
2. What is the situation?
3. What is the tone?
4. Is there a shift?
5. What is the effect of the form and structure?
Analyze the poem ‘Richard Cory’ by Edwin Arlington and answer the following questions:
1. Who is the speaker?
2. What is the situation?
3. What is the tone?
4. Is there a shift?
5. What is the effect of the form and structure?
Interpret and paraphrase the poem”Because I Could Not Stop for Death”. Make sure to interpret this poem line by line. Your sources of reference should be peer reviewed journals.
Continue readingRead the book ‘Tess of the D’Urbervilles’ by Thomas Hardy and write a research paper with a strong thesis statement relating to the role of women in society and how Tess represents women’s social and society struggles of the time. The research paper should clearly argue/answer the thesis statement about this book and include an introduction that frames the argument, and a conclusion.
KCGH has hired you as a diversity consultant to assess the hospital’s current state of cultural and social sensitivity toward diversity and then present your findings and recommendations to the hospital’s diversity steering committee. Your presentation will need to address the following:
Identify the needs of a culturally and socially diverse customer base.
Define “culturally diverse.” What are the needs of this customer base?
Define “socially diverse.” What are the needs of this customer base?
Identify mistakes made by organization that relate to not serving needs of a culturally and socially diverse customer base.
Explain best practices for KCGH, including hiring a diverse workforce, to serve the needs of a culturally and socially diverse customer base.
In this essay, you are reporting the details uncovered by your research in addition to the narrative of how you did it. Devote at least one paragraph per object to accurately describe the object you are analyzing. Describe its shape and composition. List the items and figures in each of your pair of images. Indicate the style of depiction (realistic/naturalistic or abstracted/stylized).
Continue readingYou are part of a disaster recovery team for a medium-sized business in the manufacturing industry that has one physical location. All operations occur at this location.
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Throughout this article, Cofer speaks of the “ cultural schizophrenia” She felt, describing the “ conflicting message”, the “ cultural clash”, and the “mixed cultural signals ” she received from the two worlds she inhabited.
Select any superhero (or villain) to “bring to life” for the next ten years and “sell” that choice to the class. Specifically, what could your superhero accomplish in those ten years? What types of large scale problems would he or she be equipped to tackle? Give three reasons why your super hero should be chosen and support your choice with research. Specify three distinct tasks or global areas of concern that your Super Hero could effectively address. An eleven slide PowerPoint and a Works Cited page are required.
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