Category: Write my essay (Page 7 of 22)

Becoming Great Leaders


Research shows that people acquire skills throughout their life as a leader, but there are always new ideas and concepts that present themselves. With changes in technologies, ways of communication, regulations and law, leaders should always adapt to the changes around them. Within the last several decades technology has made so much impact in how organizations are ran and have either destroyed their businesses or helped them expand.

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Great Leadership According to Roselinde Torres: TED Talk


In Roselinde Torres TED talk, she has three questions that she suggests defines great leadership. The first question is where are you looking to anticipate change? She suggests that leaders should be looking at what they read, where they travel, and who are they talking to and what topics are included. She mentioned that “great leaders do not keep their heads down but look around corners.” (Torres, 2013). Leaders are supposed to flexible, adaptable, and quick to make important decisions that will benefit their organization and people.

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Issues Affecting Your Community


Choose an issue that affects your community – your neighborhood, your city , your state , your college campus, or a demographic that you belong to. Then, write an essay detailing what the issue is, where it came from, how it could potentially be addressed or solved, and why it should matter to the reader that this issue be solved.

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