In their landmark study of slavery in Africa, anthropologists Susanne Miers and Igor Kopytoff wrote that whereas freedom is considered to be the opposite of slavery in the West for African societies, “the opposite of slavery is belonging.” After surveying the institution of slavery across Africa, Miers and Kopytoff found that African societies sought to incorporate captives into the lineage group of their captors even though the process occurred over generations. Read the excerpt from Scottish explorer Mungo Park’s account of slavery along the Gambia River and the interviews by German Missionary Koelle compiled by historian P.E.H. Hair. How do these accounts help you better understand the meaning of slavery in African societies? What do these first-hand accounts tell you about the different types of institutions of “slavery” in Africa during the era of the transatlantic slave trade? Continue reading
Tag: financial management (Page 1 of 3)
Analyze and discuss the Shingo or LESAT 2 models of organizational assessment. Using your curation skills on the internet, find an example of the use of one of these assessment models and provide the link and synopsis of what you found. Continue reading
Write a speech that analyzes iPhone as a rhetorical object. How does iPhone impact, affect, elicit emotions, create memories and conflicts in the society. The speech should be structured in a task/structure document. Also, use my topic memo and analysis of cultural artifact to help you establish main claims and help you write the speech. Continue reading
One of the really important underlying principles of the fields of African and African American, American and Global Gender Studies is that history/literature look different from different perspectives. For this assignment, you will write a paper in which you analyze a historical event/process/theme, literary or other text, or cultural symbol from any standpoint relevant to your major (e.g., from that of women, African Americans, Native Americans, etc.). Continue reading
Emerging Literacy for Elementary Teachers © 2017 American College of Education 1 Module 3 Application Submit at the end of Module 3. Creating Interactive Learning Centers In this application assignment, you will create interactive learning centers to support phonics in an age-appropriate environment. At least one of the centers should integrate technology. Continue reading
Write a five page essay analyzing the ethical codes of conduct and ethical issues for a nurse practitioner. Make sure to use recent journals as your sources of reference. Continue reading
Complete the final, cumulative strategic plan and leadership analysis for Samsung Electronics Company or organization. Use all of the tools necessary to summarize the strategic and implementation plan.
Create a final, summary, action plan for Samsung ‘s Electronics business integration, and strategic planning suggestions . Continue reading
Write a 12 page paper on diversity in the military. This must incorporate primary literature from psychology journals. The topic isn’t specific but can discuss issues of diversity in the military such as, but not limited to, sexism, homophobia, racial and religious issues. Continue reading
Requirement (REVISED) I have assigned you a scandal/cases involving CPA firms below. Assigned topic: Deloitte & Touche LLP For the assigned topic, please write a term paper describing: what the scandal was about. what accounts were overstated and/or understated. how subject(s) violated the GAAP and/or tax law. whether the subject(s) received any disciplinary action from its accountancy board. whether the subject(s) indicted/charged/convicted of any crime. what was unethical about the subject(s) behavior. how it impacted the general public. Continue reading
A root-cause -analysis is a process utilized to determine the cause and effect of a problem (in this case the problem is medication administration error). The purpose of this paper is to identify a problem (medication administration error) in the work place. Discuss in detail a root cause analysis of the problem with support from the literature. Continue reading
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