Category: Art (Page 39 of 77)

Average Temperature Anomalies From 2010 -2019


Calculate the average temperature anomalies from each data set for each year from 2010 through 2019. There should be twenty numbers total, ten years and two data sets. Write the results in the form of a table. You may find Excel or Numbers useful for doing calculations. Your 2019 number should include all months available so far.

Make predictions for what the HadCRUT4 and RSS temperatures for 2019 will end up being, once data is available for the entire year. Explain the basis of your prediction in enough detail that I would come up with the same prediction following your method.

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Book Summary


Read the first chapter of either “What is the Socrative Method?” by Christopher Phillips (starting on page 14) or “The Euthphro” by Plato (starting on page 16)

Write a short, objective summary of 250-300 words which summarizes the main ideas being put forward by the author in this selection Should be a minimum of one page and a maximum of two pages long.
This essay requires that you read the entire assignment, then write a short summary that identifies the thesis and outlines the main argument. it -It is not about your opinion or perspective

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What is Your Relationship to Language as a Student?


Write a A literacy narrative that tells the story of your relationship to language as a student. It should have a theme, a plot and should be descriptive and engaging. Once the narrative has been written, you will write a 500-word analysis of the narrative. The analysis should explain the rhetorical situation of the piece and explain why particular details and descriptions were important and necessary.

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Dispute Resolution: Crime


Mr. Adam advertises on the internet that he will sell a much sought after baseball card for $5,000.00. He does not actually have the card. Mr. Brown responds to Mr. Adam. Mr. Brown sends Mr. Adam a money order for $ 5,000.00. It turns out that eight other people sent Mr. Adam money orders for $5,000.00. None of the money orders were cashed. Mr. Brown wants to sue Mr. Adam. The FBI arrests Mr. Adam and he is charged with wire fraud.

What are the options available to Mr. Brown for resolving his dispute with Mr. Adam? Which option do you believe is best?

Compare and contrast the burden of proof in Mr. Brown’s case with the burden of proof in the government’s case.. What rights does Mr. Adam have in the criminal case that he does not have in the civil case? 

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What Does it Mean to Be an Ethical or Moral Person?


In a well-developed essay, discuss and describe ”What does it mean to be an ethical or moral person?” 

Write 600-800 words presenting:
1.) 300-400 words: your own current position on the question in bold above, and 

2.) 300-400 words: what led you to take this position. For example, you could speak about the various influences in your life, the reasons why you believe your view is a strong one to take, etc. Ideally, you will give me a persuasive argument about why your position is, in fact, a smart and logical one to hold. 

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