Category: Homework Help (Page 54 of 89)

The Film Selma


Please watch the movie “Selma” and write a paper by following the instructions below. This is a film that gives you some historical background about the struggles to gain the right to vote, and the struggle for legislation to protect every person’s civil rights.  The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were foundational to expanding the protection of civil rights to all people,especially African Americans.  Continue reading

Power in Employment Relations


Why is power such an important concept in understanding employment relations? Critically evaluate the ways in which employees can increase their power at work.

Assessment Criteria- Students will have to choose ONE essay topic. Essays should be thoroughly grounded in the literature, use appropriate theoretical concepts, provide illustrative examples where appropriate, and evidence of a well-constructed and argued piece of work. Continue reading

Cultural Relativism/ Moral Isolationism


In the first paragraph, briefly describe cultural relativism or moral isolationism. Use at least one quote from the required readings somewhere in the body of the paragraph. You may use the quote to support your description, or you may interpret, or even argue against the quote, but you must do something with the quote; in other words, don’t just provide a quote at the top of your post. Then, provide an example — either from current topics in the news such as the removal of Confederate statues, from recent history, or from your own personal life — of a topic that has multiple perspectives rooted in the tradition and beliefs of a particular group(s). Continue reading

Legalization of Marijuana


Substance abusers are more likely to commit crimes, be arrested, serve time in prison, and re-offend. They are a considerable burden on the justice system, and the problem of substance abuse continues to grow. Why are some states choosing to legalize recreational marijuana, and what effects are being seen from this legalization? What do you believe are potential pitfalls of such legalization given the current rates of rising addiction, and recent research identifying unintended consequences? Continue reading

Economic Growth


Poverty continues to be a plaguing issue in Texas particularly along the shared border with Mexico. As governor, what policy options would you propose to provide economic development for the border region with the ultimate goal of bringing economic improvements to this area? Essay Instructions and Helpful Tips (Texas Government) -12 point font, Times New Roman, Double Spaced. -You must cite your sources and you must have a bibliography (APA format). Only the citations and the bibliography need to be in APA format. Create one bibliography for all three essays that goes at the very end of the word or pdf document. Intro/1st Paragraph: Restate Problem (Problem Identification), Continue reading

African Americans and the Healthcare System


There are many studies that reveal that blacks generally mistrust the healthcare system, receive a lower quality of care, and use fewer medical services in general than whites (Dayer-Berenson, 2014).  A nurse at a public health clinic reads statistics that the local hospital has seen an increase in the number of emergency center visits among those in the black/African American community. She also notices that there has been a decrease in the number of black/African American patients visiting the public health clinic, and when black/African American patients do show up to the clinic, they are reluctant to talk about their health care conditions. Continue reading

Health Care in the US


Assignment 1:

Provide your reasoned opinion (i.e. exhibiting your ability to develop a logical analysis and synthesizing from your research) regarding:

  1. Why health care costs in the U.S. are so much higher compared to health care costs in so many other nations.
  2. Why the U.S. ranks poorly compared to so many other nations on so many health status indicators.
  3. What policies would you change in the U.S. health system that would improve on our health cost profile and health status ranking?

Assignment 2:

Utilizing at least one quantitative and one qualitative health policy research method, design a study to examine whether health centers [including the federally qualified health center model] are able to reduce or eliminate health disparities across racial or ethnic and socioeconomic subpopulation. Continue reading

Tiny Smiling Daddy


The paper has to be about the short story called “Tiny Smiling Daddy” 3rd person Minimum of 4 sources first source is the short story 3 secondary sources needed at least 4 entries on bibliography 2 sources have to be text 2 text and 1 electronic source that has author you can have all text sources if u want must have at least one direct quote from secondary source 8 pages minimum including the bibliography top left corner goes my name date name of class: eng111 title must be centered times new roman 12 font bottom right will be page numbers.  Continue reading

Film Analysis


For your academic essay assignment, you will investigate in depth the formal elements of a film, examining the chosen film’s visual technique and narrative style. You must choose a film from the list provided below and explore the style and narrative of the film in two representative sequences: the opening sequence and a scene of your choosing that you feel encapsulates the film’s overall approach to aesthetics. It is imperative that you consider all of the elements listed below and relate them to the narrative, characters and story. You may choose to concentrate upon one component of the narrative or visuals; however, your paper will not be comprehensive, and you will not have fulfilled the assignment, if you ignore form and examine only content or vice versa. The purpose of this assignment is for you to examine how film form and content work together to produce specific effects and communicate the ‘meaning’ of the narrative. After you have chosen your film and sequence, please address the following: Continue reading

Top Imports and Exports of a Country


Use the MIT Trade Atlas to find the top 5 imports and exports for a country. Then, using the Heckscher-Ohlin trade theory, New Trade Theory, and the concepts of comparative advantage, you could discuss if the top imports and exports from the country are consistent with the idea of those theories. Introduction: Here, you introduce the topic of your paper, and summarize briefly the conclusions of your paper. Summary of recent events or news articles on your topic: Here, you should examine recent events related to your topic in a way that would interest the average reader, who is someone who is taking the course with you. Continue reading

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