Category: Marketing (Page 48 of 51)

Film Analysis


For your academic essay assignment, you will investigate in depth the formal elements of a film, examining the chosen film’s visual technique and narrative style. You must choose a film from the list provided below and explore the style and narrative of the film in two representative sequences: the opening sequence and a scene of your choosing that you feel encapsulates the film’s overall approach to aesthetics. It is imperative that you consider all of the elements listed below and relate them to the narrative, characters and story. You may choose to concentrate upon one component of the narrative or visuals; however, your paper will not be comprehensive, and you will not have fulfilled the assignment, if you ignore form and examine only content or vice versa. The purpose of this assignment is for you to examine how film form and content work together to produce specific effects and communicate the ‘meaning’ of the narrative. After you have chosen your film and sequence, please address the following: Continue reading

Top Imports and Exports of a Country


Use the MIT Trade Atlas to find the top 5 imports and exports for a country. Then, using the Heckscher-Ohlin trade theory, New Trade Theory, and the concepts of comparative advantage, you could discuss if the top imports and exports from the country are consistent with the idea of those theories. Introduction: Here, you introduce the topic of your paper, and summarize briefly the conclusions of your paper. Summary of recent events or news articles on your topic: Here, you should examine recent events related to your topic in a way that would interest the average reader, who is someone who is taking the course with you. Continue reading

Essentials of Organizational Behavior


You are to consider yourself a consultant that was just hired by organizational leadership—it does not matter if it is a nonprofit or public organization—to assist with a lingering problem that has impacted the organization’s effectiveness. This problem can be related to an area that you want to research and interests you; e.g., employees upset over anticipated change, performance evaluations being over-inflated, unethical practices, leadership not considering personal choices in the decision-making process, or any other similar type problems. Once you identify the organizational problem, you should develop a plan to address the problem, identify reasons why you feel the problem occurred, label reasons you feel the problem is persistent, and develop a means to overcome the problem. Continue reading

Minority Health


Analyze the health status of a specific minority group. Select a minority group that is represented in the United States (examples include American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian American, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander). In an essay of 750-1,000 words, compare and contrast the health status of the minority group you have selected to the national average. Consider the cultural, socioeconomic, and sociopolitical barriers to health. How do race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and education influence health for the minority group you have selected? Continue reading

The Jesus Factor


This is an analysis of the competing 4 sources of divine revelation, and the socio-political influences that surface in the Front line documentary,  “The Jesus Factor”. Attend to the debates about Christianity in the film that fueled George W. Bush’s campaign and US foreign policies in the previous decade.  Identify the interplay and/or counterpoint of the four sources Tradition, Reason, Experience, and Scripture in the political Developments that this film documents. Continue reading

Can Renewable Energy Replace Fossil Fuels?


Can Renewable Energy Effectively Replace Fossil Fuels? Renewable energy can meet energy needs in a safe and reliable way . Fossil fuels are not renewable, they can’t be made again. Once they are gone, they’re gone.  The costs of renewable energy are going down all over the world.  Switching to renewable energy is not as simple as it is being made out to be. Continue reading

Lease Vs. Purchase


The purpose of this assignment is to explain core concepts related to lease vs. purchase and tactical financial decisions. Read the Chapter 19 Mini Case on pages 796-797 in Financial Management: Theory and Practice. Using complete sentences and academic vocabulary, please answer questions. Continue reading

Emerging Health Issues


How infectious diseases create a challenge for population health promotion. This is a 5- page paper designed to employ a social justice theoretical lens to investigate the relationship between a significant health problem for a vulnerable population (population-based)and macro structures which influence health outcomes for this selected group. Describe the vulnerable population you have chosen and the health problem of interest for that population. Use your literature review to develop your description (demographics, vulnerability traits). Continue reading

Community Health Nursing


Credit: nursing

You will conduct a community needs assessment by choosing a specified population or
community. Grades will be based on the guidelines listed. Papers submitted must be
typed using APA format. A PowerPoint presentation of community needs assessment
needs to be submitted through the drop box. Continue reading

The Token Economy


This case helps you the students to see that supervision goes beyond a one-on-one process, affecting the integration of individual and organizational goals. The new head of a substance abuse program has taken the job because he has strong ideas about how services should be provided and how members of the clinical staff should be treated. Although he has explained his philosophy to all of the new hires, he has not convinced the therapists who were already on staff when he arrived. It soon begins to seem as though all of the staff members have lost their enthusiasm for the work. Continue reading

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