Category: The Write Guys (Page 17 of 49)

Literacy Learning Centers


Emerging Literacy for Elementary Teachers © 2017 American College of Education 1 Module 3 Application Submit at the end of Module 3. Creating Interactive Learning Centers In this application assignment, you will create interactive learning centers to support phonics in an age-appropriate environment. At least one of the centers should integrate technology. Continue reading

The Importance of Writing Client Notes


The ability to write good contact notes is important because these notes constitute the written record about the service a person receives from you. In addition, these notes serve to document changes in the person, the person’s life, and the service plan. One of the objectives is to keep the notes brief. Too much information can be overwhelming for the reader and can easily be taken out of context. Continue reading

Gradual Changes in Romantic Relationships


You will complete a qualitative research project about turning points, or changes across time in relationships. The goal of this project is to help you better understand communication in a specific type of relationship while giving you the opportunity to apply skills and concepts learned .

Turning points are significant events that either cause a relationship to increase or decrease in closeness. Some examples of turning points in  romantic relationships include first dates, big fights, and engagement  Continue reading

Implications of Banning Employment Tribunal Fees in England & Wales


The purpose of this assignment is to test the understanding of the parameters and practical detail of key employment law rules and regulations and their effect on employee management within the workplace.The Supreme Court has now made a decision that fees for employment tribunals are illegal (in the England and Wales). Consider the implications for this decision on this. Continue reading

Constraints & Powers of the Legislative Branch


The legislative branch does not work in a vacuum. Instead, Congress crafts legislation with the full knowledge that the other two branches of government have the ability to limit the power of the legislative branch. However, checks and balances are a two-way street: the U.S. Constitution also delegates powers to the legislative branch to limit the powers of the judiciary and executive branches. Understanding these checks and balances is important from a constitutional perspective. It also gives you some insight into the constraints that members of the House and Senate are cognizant of as they go about the process of constructing public policy. Continue reading

The Concepts of Equality & Social Equity


H. George Frederickson, expert in the field of public administration, coined the term “social equity,” which urges public administrators not to view individuals within one environment as the same but instead to view them against a backdrop of social and economic factors before assuming equality.

Ideals of equality and social justice form the basis of political philosophy. However, enforcing principles of equality across society often infringes on the liberal concept of social justice. Tensions within social and political relations have led to the creation of international government and non government organizations that seek to maintain ethical standards of equality throughout the world. These ethical standards allow reasonable individuals to maintain their philosophical differences without jeopardizing the greater good of global society. Continue reading

The Status of People of Color in American Society


your paper contains MORE than 4 pages of double-spaced, 12-point font content (any title lines, extra spacing, etc. DO NOT count towards the required 4+ full pages), but does not exceed 6 pages. Ensure that your paper is proofread and contains few (if any) noticeable grammatical errors, which include (but aren’t limited to) “texting lingo”, unqualified pronouns, misspellings, words used incorrectly, poor sentence structure, etc. This paper integrally incorporates a minimum of THREE scholarly sources. You may include additional credible sources (e.g. credible news sources, governmental sources,), but are not required to. Continue reading

The Media


The media, be it television, radio, newspaper, or otherwise, is the public’s primary access to what’s happening in the community, state, nation, and world. The public is, in this way, exposed only to what the media chooses to present and the media’s version of events. How much power do you think the media has over the public, and can this power be trusted? Continue reading

Market Structures of Gasoline


What are the market structures of the wholesale and retail gasoline markets? Hint: Are the wholesale markets perfectly competitive, oligopolistic, monopolistic, monopolistically competitive? Is the retail gasoline market perfectly competitive? 2. How do these market structures at various stages of the gasoline supply chain affect gasoline prices? More hints for questions 1 & 2: what is OPEC and what does it try to do? Is it successful in its goals? Continue reading

Sociology Lending Institutions, Health Care, and Human Capital

Use the Internet to research one


developing nation of your choice. Your research should include an examination of lending institutions, health care, and human capital, as well as the material covered by the Webtext and lectures in Weeks 6 through 9. Write a three to four (3-4) page research paper in which you: 1. Explore whether or not funding from international lending institutions like the World Bank and the IMF are helping or hindering the social, economic, or political development of the country that you have selected. Support your response with examples. 2. Discuss, with examples, at least four (4) substantive ways in which a healthy population strengthens the economy of the country that you have selected. 3. Ascertain the degree to which the leadership of your chosen country has used foreign aid to improve its health care system. Support your response with concrete examples. 4. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Continue reading

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