Category: The Write Guys (Page 49 of 49)

Marijuana Tolerance

Paper instructions:
As tolerances grow for the personal possession and use of marijuana, there is a need for purposeful and well-grounded discussions on the impact the relaxation of criminal sanctions involving marijuana may have. Do laws prohibiting the growing, manufacturing, harvesting, processing, transporting, sale, distribution, possession and/or use of marijuana in any quantity reflect the sociopolitical values of the community; whether that community is a local town/city, a state, or the nation? Do these laws keep us safe? If prohibitions against marijuana are lifted, what’s next? Continue reading

Cross-Cultural Concepts of Health and Illness

Paper instructions:

2 pages double spaced maximum for this assignment.  You can go over 1 page for the first episode as long as your response for the second video is shorter). Think critically and deeply about each question and try to relate the concepts to your personal life. Please number each question and do not write out the questions.  Upload your responses in one document on blackboard, do not upload more than once or upload two documents. Thank you! Continue reading

Sample Essay: Should the US Government Legalize Marijuana?

The legalization of drugs and substances which are classified as illegal at the moment has been one of the prominent debates in America today. Persons from all walks of life have voiced their opinion on this matter, opting to either support or oppose the legalization of the drugs (Merino 40). The political class has also been vocal about this issue, with several politicians expressing their inclination in the debates and their reasons (Berlatsky 12). The impact of the politicians’ views has been of great influence to the American citizens with most of them siding with the views of their preferred politicians and parties. Among the prominent subjects of the debates has been the legalization of marijuana, with proponents of its ratification mainly pointing to its medicinal value. Continue reading

Sample Essay: Factors Affecting Apple INC.

Apple Inc. is one of the leading manufacturers of consumer electronics and software in the world. This company has its headquarters in Cupertino, California. Efforts of Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne, and Steve Jobs led to the founding of the company in 1976. As far as revenue accrual and consolidation is concerned, Apple is second to Samsung on the list of the world’s largest Information Technology (IT) firms. Apple Inc. has achieved a lot of success since its foundation, posting a net income of $38 billion in 2013 Heracleous (2013). Despite all the success and glamor, the company has also experienced some internal mishaps and setbacks, which have deterred its optimum performance. Continue reading

Hospital Corporation of America (HCA)

Paper instructions:
For your Final Paper, write about:
Hospital Corporation of America (HCA)

Conduct an evaluation of the organization based on strategic planning analysis, which includes the strengths and/or weaknesses that are internal to the organization and opportunities and/or threats external to the organization.  Your strategic plan analysis must include at least three strengths and three weaknesses that are internal to the organization and at least three opportunities and three threats that are external to the organization. You must utilize at least five valid sources in your analysis. Examples of valid sources include organizational websites, annual reports, personal interviews with organizational leadership, investigative reports, government reports, and conference transcripts.  Your Final Paper must address at least five key areas, concepts, and strategies that are outlined in the course text.  These include: Continue reading

Strategic Management

Paper instructions:i

1. Academic level – Masters
2. References – min 12 Academic References; 2 of which must be from the key textbook (Exploring Corporate Strategy)3. This assignment will be segregated into 2 tasks:
a) Task A:
Present a table that provides a brief description and key references of concepts and tools with respect to Environment Analysis.
b) Task B:

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We are the Write Guys!

During the summer break of 2009, a group of 6 friends met and started the movement that is I was fortunate to be part of this team, which noted the absence of a service offering specialized and custom essays in the market. We were at the undergraduate level of our studies at this point and hence understood the struggle that students undergo while undertaking the academic essay writing process.

In today’s fast-paced world, a student is found to have many engagements, which are not related to his or her studies. Often, the time for writing one’s essays becomes scarce as an individual strives to attend to the other obligations. For instance, I undertook my undergraduate studies while working part-time in a nearby bookshop. These work and academic activities are equally important thus the requirement of a trustworthy research paper writing service to strike the balance.


We will Help you Graduate!!

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