Tag: academic writing skills (Page 17 of 18)

Black Sitcoms on Representing Black Life on TV

Credit: huffingtonpost.com

In Marlon Riggs’ Color Adjustment, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. states that Black sitcoms of the 1970s represented both the greatest potential for representing Black life in television’s history and also the greatest failure. Why? Conduct a close analysis of either the “Juneteenth: The Musical” episode of Blackish (ABC, October 3, 2017) or the “B-, Don’t Kill My Vibe” episode of Grown-ish (Freeform, January 3, 2018). How does this current sitcom exhibit similar possibilities and/or failure? Why or why not? Continue reading

Gradual Changes in Romantic Relationships

Credit: markmanson.org

You will complete a qualitative research project about turning points, or changes across time in relationships. The goal of this project is to help you better understand communication in a specific type of relationship while giving you the opportunity to apply skills and concepts learned .

Turning points are significant events that either cause a relationship to increase or decrease in closeness. Some examples of turning points in  romantic relationships include first dates, big fights, and engagement  Continue reading

Caring by Nel

Credit: attackofthecute.com

Write a book review of the book Caring by Nel. You should discuss the main ideas of the book, the importance of those ideas, comparison with other ideas, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the author’s argument and evidence,
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Animal Sexual Selection

Credit: phys.org

You will have an opportunity to engage in some animal behavior research yourself!  You should find an animal that you can actually observe in your everyday life that illustrates one or more of the concepts we’ve learned about in the course (parental investment theory, sexual selection, exotic mating behavior, etc…) Continue reading

Cyberpunk Text Analysis

Credit: cyberpunkreview.com

Write a four page paper (double-spaced) that makes a structured, multi-part critical argument which refers closely to one cyberpunk text. In addition to four pages of writing, the paper should include a separate Works Cited page appended to the end of the document.
The paper should begin with a short introductory paragraph containing your thesis statement. That is, a statement of the argument you will make in this paper. You should also indicate clearly in this first paragraph which question you are answering. Continue reading

Income Tax

Credit: samoaplanet.com

All scenarios are hypothetical and are set for the purpose of this assignment. All taxpayers have a standard balance date of 31 March. All currency is expressed in New Zealand dollars. Questions relate to the provisions of the Income Tax Act 2007.
– Dee Loit is a tax consultant for three different clients, A, B, and C, all of whom are NZ residents. He asks you to look into the income tax implications for each of these three clients.  Continue reading

Parity of Muslim and Western Concepts of Just War

Credit: muslimmatters.org

In an essay of no more than 1500 words, identify the key claims of this text “Parity of Muslim and Western Concepts of Just War ” or , and discuss the extent to which these claims are supported by evidence. Relate your discussion to what you have learned in A332 Book 2, Controversial Practices (Beattie (ed.), 2013).At the end, append a list of at least three bullet points indicating the main ways in which you think your chosen text relates to what you have learned in Book 2.  Continue reading

Mass Casualty

Credit: news.gov.dm

Think about recent mass shooting events that were in the news in the last year.  Such tragic events send shockwaves through communities and impact the country as a whole. In a 3 page paper, write about the unique challenges that survivors of a mass casualty (mass shooting) experience. What might be challenges to a victim advocate working a case of this magnitude and how could an advocate address these challenges  Continue reading

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