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SAMPLE ESSAY: Stakeholder Pressure for CSR among Sportswear Clothing Brands


            Pressure from stakeholders occurs in diverse ways and on critical issues of governance, sustainable development protocols of environmental concerns, and in the reporting and management concerns. For instance, governance oversight agencies often seek responsive management and corporate leadership to eliminate sweatshop practices. The sourcing of materials and components for the production of diverse garments and dyes ought to respect established environmental protection rules. The UN Global Compact and sustainability indices are a vital international benchmark mechanism for rating and ranking organizations on their impact on society through their strategic initiatives on CSR. The need to comply with stakeholder demands is paramount to the success of the businesses because the industry is highly profitable, and varied stakeholders have diverse conflicts that require effective deliberation and apportionment of responsibilities on ethical concerns. Pressure from stakeholders thus implies the corporations have to constantly invest in suitable promotion, effective public relations, and suitable brand management through direct initiatives of CSR.   

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Sample Essay: Article Summary

Stereotypes have long been known to have negative consequences for those exposed to them because stereotypes are based on broad assumptions that are frequently incorrect. The article Stereotype Danger and Women’s Math Performance by Steven J. Spencer, Claude M. Steele, and Diane M. Quinn investigates the topic of stereotype threat in women’s math performance. According to Spencer, Steele, and Quinn (1999), “No other science has been more concerned with the nature of prejudice and stereotyping than social psychology,” which has extensively studied the content of stereotypes and their impact on social perceptions and behavior (p. 5). 

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Sample Paper: Non-Profit Budgeting

The Women’s Center for Advancement (WCA) is concerned with domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking nonprofit located in Omaha, Nebraska (WCA, 2020). Like other nonprofit organizations, the COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected WCA’s business cycles on revenues and expenses. WCA should deal with mismatches between revenues and expenses by reducing spending or delaying investments. NGOs invest in impact investments of initiatives that benefit society and in return, provide financial returns (IFC, 2020). NGOs have the infrastructure and expertise that attract Investors looking to make positive social or environmental impacts in society. Delayed investments imply that WCA will reduce its spending on the impact projects.

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Sample Paper: Diversity and its Challenges in the Healthcare Sector

The ethnic and racial configuration of the U.S. populations into the future will be diverse and to create a truly sustainable and prosperous nation, diversity and inclusion must be effectively entrenched as a matter of public policy. Diversity has a critical value in the healthcare sector in the United States because it has been a federal policy to expand access and inclusivity particularly in the key public sectors of education and health. Diversity has the positive effect of increasing access to medical care for underserved populations and such populations will see physicians and general practitioners with whom they share culture or ethnicity. Globally, and across the United States, increased international immigration has yielded multiculturalism within every local community and society should adjust, particularly in the fields of medical services to embrace diversity and inclusion to ensure a future of progress (Hokkanen & Löf, 2019). Within a medical facility, increasing the workforce diversity from 10 percent to a possible 30 percent is a critical developmental milestone. The benefits of such a policy are numerous because an inclusive workforce has a higher chance for higher productivity because of the convergence of diverse views, cultural competencies, and greater readiness to render quality care for diverse populations and demographics due to a cultivated culture of tolerance.

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Sample Paper: Self Esteem in Organisations

Many organizations can astoundingly improve their productivity and profitability by considering ways to improve their workforce’s self-esteem. Self-esteem is regarded as the product of self-efficacy and self-respect, and people with high self-esteem tend to yield better in the face of diverse task challenges within organizations or communities. Effective organizations should consider mechanisms of improving and ensuring high self-esteem and self-respect within their workforce (Abdel-Khalek, 2016). Organizations work as communities. Therefore, it is imperative to consider culture as a holistic pact; thus, talent management and recruitment programs prioritize useful aspects of individual social functioning within the organization. Moreover, leadership styles and management choices have to reflect the need to cultivate self-esteem components in the organizational process.

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Sample Paper: African Americans Adjustment to Freedom

            Slavery of the African Americans may have the status of having been the most horrible economic relations history has ever witnessed. Still, its social consequences over the years, even after the Emancipation, have become even more daunting. Houston Hartsfield framed it even grotesquely, that “The colored people did not know how to be free, and the white people did not know how to have a free colored person about them.” Even in the aftermath of Emancipation, distrust, violence, and horrid conditions remained the common plight of the freedmen[1]. A lot of reconstruction work went into bridging the gaps and making race relations normal for many years with no avail. The Civil Rights Movement led by Rev. Martin Luther King in the 1960s at least made considerable progress, but among poor African American populations, discrimination and racial prejudice remain the hallmark of their American experience. In underscoring the plight of the freedmen, it is important to highlight the bleak institutional systems and the legal frameworks as well as the economic circumstances of the freedmen.   

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Sample Paper: Information Technology

Society is characterized by disruptive technologies, and the leading among them are Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, and Blockchain. It is expected that once the full potentials of supercomputing is achieved through ongoing research, a major shift in society will result because the computing power will perform amazing tasks with great simplicity and ease (Bughin et al., 2019). Machine learning enables diverse robotic and mechanical automation to be executed. Machines can be exposed to routine encounters using a massive amount of data to learn how to execute intelligent motion. Machine learning and artificial intelligence enable many hybrid and innovative functions to be inbuilt in automatic processes like in the vending machines and autonomous vehicles. Artificial intelligence and Machine learning are currently the most disruptive technologies in society because they have created massive automation in diverse fields and have supported the erection of computing systems in research where human capacity and operations would be severely limited. Giga factories with large-scale robotic and automated machine operations depend effectively on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.   

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Sample Essay: State Interest in Human Mobility under the Surveillance Capitalism

Democracy is under the new threat of new surveillance state and in many nations across the globe; surveillance methods have permeated official government security functions. The emergence of new digital technology and the digital economy has shifted the typology of both government functions and private corporations seeking to promote their products. The convergence of the interests of corporations and the state on data has threatened the traditional constitutional safeguards of individual privacy to a bare minimum. In theory, both government and the corporate sector increasingly need private data from people to advance their varied interests. For the state, the needs for offering adequate security surveillance has clearly tilted the typology towards excessive data tapping from smartphones and other handy gadgets. The process of governance and business transactions in the new lifestyle depends entirely on the availability of data to support the new economic model and with it the need for extensive data privileges to the public domain.   

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The Role of Advocacy and Social Change when Working with Culturally Diverse Clients

The African American community is a particularly unique social category because of the history of slavery and official subjugation over the years. Working with the community for advocacy and social change is a particular interest bearing in mind the impetus for change the community has expressed after the Obama Presidency, which made a great deal of effort to address the community’s critical concerns. In the contemporary scene, the community has diverse role models and institutional systems that promise robust progress and a future of greater integration and societal acceptability particularly in the aftermath of the George Floyd fiasco with the criminal justice system, which has been accused of excessive use of force and ethnic profiling over the years. Poverty causes many problems like criminality, reckless drug use, and many socially retrogressive conditions. Through advocacy and social change, human service professionals can work with communities to alleviate the problems of poverty gradually to initiate progress.  

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Sample Essay: The Death Penalty

            The death penalty has been supported by the argument that it is a far better means of deterring criminal actions. However, the evidence does not attest to the practical value of the death penalty as opposed to alternative mechanisms like life imprisonment. In the United States, recently, the rates of crimes in states that use the death penalty and those that have it, historically shown no differences. Contrarily, the death penalty has been cited as an incitement to grievous criminal harm. The death penalty is challenged by the argument that espouses society’s duty to protect life and that individuals have a right to live. 

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