Tag: academic writing skills (Page 18 of 18)

Cocacola vs Pepsi

Credit: nasdaq.com

Decide on a company to invest in and a company in the same industry to compare against your investment company.  Create your group’s company thread.  Click on Create Thread and then list your primary company and comparison company in the subject line.  You will reply to this thread for all future posts.  Only one member of your group will create this group thread.  Example:  Based on the above example of Home Depot vs.   Lowes, your group’s initial thread subject line would read Home Depot vs.   Lowes.  Once you have identified your investment and comparison companies, record them on the board.  The first group who records the companies on the board is the group that can use the companies for their project.  No two groups can use the same companies for this project.   Continue reading

Film Analysis

Credit: ucimsapoan.com

For your academic essay assignment, you will investigate in depth the formal elements of a film, examining the chosen film’s visual technique and narrative style. You must choose a film from the list provided below and explore the style and narrative of the film in two representative sequences: the opening sequence and a scene of your choosing that you feel encapsulates the film’s overall approach to aesthetics. It is imperative that you consider all of the elements listed below and relate them to the narrative, characters and story. You may choose to concentrate upon one component of the narrative or visuals; however, your paper will not be comprehensive, and you will not have fulfilled the assignment, if you ignore form and examine only content or vice versa. The purpose of this assignment is for you to examine how film form and content work together to produce specific effects and communicate the ‘meaning’ of the narrative. After you have chosen your film and sequence, please address the following: Continue reading

Deloitte & Touche LLP

Accounting standards

Courtesy: Wikipedia

Deloitte & Touche LLP

Requirement (REVISED) I have assigned you a scandal/cases involving CPA firms below. Assigned topic: Deloitte & Touche LLP For the assigned topic, please write a term paper describing: what the scandal was about. what accounts were overstated and/or understated. how subject(s) violated the GAAP and/or tax law. whether the subject(s) received any disciplinary action from its accountancy board. whether the subject(s) indicted/charged/convicted of any crime. what was unethical about the subject(s) behavior. how it impacted the general public. Continue reading

Root Cause Analysis

Root cause analysis

Courtesy: Digestive Health Institute

Root Cause Analysis

A root-cause -analysis is a process utilized to determine the cause and effect of a problem (in this case the problem is medication administration error). The purpose of this paper is to identify a problem (medication administration error) in the work place. Discuss in detail a root cause analysis of the problem with support from the literature. Continue reading

Importance of Originality in Academic Writing

no plagiarism

Credit: Steemie

            Original work is the hallmark of academic integrity, particularly when the ideas and concepts expressed also capture critical intelligentsia about the topic. Originality not only proves to the readers that a writer knows his subject, but it also assures anyone of the quality of the character of the writer, their professionalism, and academic inclinations.  The process of writing an essay is sometimes daunting, and the temptation to cheat or falsify sources are very high. Whenever I write my paper, or for another person, the most important consideration that rings to the mind is to avoid any incidences of plagiarism and grammatical errors. The critical problem often arises when I ask someone else to do my homework, and they have to struggle to imagine how I would have framed my ideas. Continue reading

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