Should We Reject the Transhumanist Goal of the Genetically Electronically and Mechanically Enhanced Human Being? in the Science and Society course textbook, pp. 335–351. Transhumanism is alternation of the human body by genetic alteration, tissue regeneration, or machine enhancement. It is being increasingly viewed as a way to cure disease and reverse physical handicaps. Some futurists believe it is a way to promote the next level of human evolution. Continue reading
Tag: essay writing help (Page 45 of 45)
Use the Internet to research one
developing nation of your choice. Your research should include an examination of lending institutions, health care, and human capital, as well as the material covered by the Webtext and lectures in Weeks 6 through 9. Write a three to four (3-4) page research paper in which you: 1. Explore whether or not funding from international lending institutions like the World Bank and the IMF are helping or hindering the social, economic, or political development of the country that you have selected. Support your response with examples. 2. Discuss, with examples, at least four (4) substantive ways in which a healthy population strengthens the economy of the country that you have selected. 3. Ascertain the degree to which the leadership of your chosen country has used foreign aid to improve its health care system. Support your response with concrete examples. 4. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Continue reading
We’ve discussed different aspects of how technology has, and continues, to change our lives and the world we live in. We’ve read discussions on how social media tethers us, on how the internet may not actually be the great equalizer, and how information is fed to us, and stolen from us, when we access the internet. We’ve practiced making arguments about these topics, and using rhetorical appeals to persuade our audience. We’ll also learn how to include opposing views to further appeal to ethos and persuade. We’ll continue working on MLA format, and practice how to conduct research to find evidence for our arguments. Your Task: It’s now your turn to enter into the conversation. Continue reading
Requirement (REVISED) I have assigned you a scandal/cases involving CPA firms below. Assigned topic: Deloitte & Touche LLP For the assigned topic, please write a term paper describing: what the scandal was about. what accounts were overstated and/or understated. how subject(s) violated the GAAP and/or tax law. whether the subject(s) received any disciplinary action from its accountancy board. whether the subject(s) indicted/charged/convicted of any crime. what was unethical about the subject(s) behavior. how it impacted the general public. Continue reading
This essay is a reflection on an assessment done with a patient with psychosis. Focus on the voices that he has been hearing. What I did was are as follows 1. I introduced my self to the client as the student nurse that we meet couple of weeks ago Continue reading
Describe the vertical and horizontal dimensions of this organization. Describe the authority/responsibility relationships that will present in this organization.
In this case, the horizontal dimension aspect would be only three health care providers that start the organization. The three physicians and only a handful staffs are involved in running the organization. On the horizontal relationship, the three physicians will be involved in communication and making crucial decisions regarding the organization (Fagerstrom, 2009). The vertical design of the organization would be with three physicians and all the members of the entire organization. The order of hierarchy would start from top to the bottom or vice versa. Making of crucial decisions and communication will start from the seniors to the juniors in the entire organization (Khatri et al., 2006). Nurses and other staffs in the lower ranks will be answerable to their seniors. The three physicians would be in the front line to lead others in providing health care to the patients. Responsibilities would be assigned according to the ranks that every staff in the organization holds. Continue reading
Marketing Paper
Write a 2000-2500 word Marketing Plan.
Choose a product or service you are familiar with. You can use a company you work for, a company you admire or any other company you are interested in. Summarize the company and the product (or service) you will be covering and cover the key aspects of the Marketing Plan as shown below.
• Discuss the Target Market for the Product, including how you arrived at that Target Market (such as Demographics, Psychographics and Synchographics)
• Describe the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) for the product, including a deep dive on each of the 4 Ps. Please justify how you arrived at your marketing mix. For example, don’t just describe the price, but describe your pricing strategy.
• Describe the Environmental Variables (Competitive/Technological, Social/Cultural, Legal/Political and Economic) that affect the product and any marketing mix changes needed to adapt to the environmental variables.
• Include a Summary/Conclusion.
• Please use APA format. Continue reading
Essay writing, being an integral part of a student’s learning, requires an investment of time to attain perfect knowledge and grades, and with academic essay writing services on offer, the task of dealing with researching and writing articles becomes manageable. The internet has the viability of being a reliable resource to acquire all types of essay papers; however, students get mixed up while searching for the appropriate essay writing company to get involved with. Continue reading
Original work is the hallmark of academic integrity, particularly when the ideas and concepts expressed also capture critical intelligentsia about the topic. Originality not only proves to the readers that a writer knows his subject, but it also assures anyone of the quality of the character of the writer, their professionalism, and academic inclinations. The process of writing an essay is sometimes daunting, and the temptation to cheat or falsify sources are very high. Whenever I write my paper, or for another person, the most important consideration that rings to the mind is to avoid any incidences of plagiarism and grammatical errors. The critical problem often arises when I ask someone else to do my homework, and they have to struggle to imagine how I would have framed my ideas. Continue reading
Essay writing is a skill that is learned and can also develop with practice. Depending on the use of the article and the audience, diverse styles and approaches can be utilized in the essay writing. Expert college essay writers are skilled in their subject areas and can deliver very excellent work within a short time. A good essay writer has to be an experienced planner, an accurate one at that because all small bits of the essay have to fit together. Depending on the level of complexity, article writers must use diverse sources appropriate to the audience. The work that goes into the writing exercise often equals the quality of the resulting work and the level of mastery of subject matter that the writer has cultivated. Continue reading
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