Explain what Alfred Chandler meant by “scale”, “scope” and “managerial capitalism”? Discuss the implications of these concepts for the digital economy. Continue reading
Explain what Alfred Chandler meant by “scale”, “scope” and “managerial capitalism”? Discuss the implications of these concepts for the digital economy. Continue reading
Wall Street can allocate capital among competing businesses and monitor and discipline managers more effectively than the CEO and headquarters staff of the typical diversified company. Discuss. The word limit is 2,000 words and in the interests of clarity and a level playing field we ask you to respect this convention. Continue reading
Emotions are problematic for organisations. Critically assess this statement, drawing upon both theory and research evidence to support your answer. Continue reading
The purpose of this assignment is to test the understanding of the parameters and practical detail of key employment law rules and regulations and their effect on employee management within the workplace.The Supreme Court has now made a decision that fees for employment tribunals are illegal (in the England and Wales). Consider the implications for this decision on this. Continue reading
Gaining competitive advantage is critical for organizations. Organizations seek to gain a competitive advantage in the market in order to be more profitable than their competitors. However, competitive advantages are typically temporary unless the organization also has the human resources it needs to successfully implement the organizational strategy. You should propose and analyse effective strategies for managing human resources in the shipping industry, in order to create a sustainable competitive advantage.
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