Category: Personal Statement (Page 33 of 36)

Plagiarism & Paraphrasing


The three-step process of paraphrasing consists of interpreting an author’s original passage, rephrasing it (i.e., putting it into your own words), and citing (i.e., giving credit to) the author. In order to paraphrase correctly, students must consider the difference between the original text and the re-wording, while still maintaining the original author’s meaning. In contrast to paraphrasing, the academic crime of plagiarism occurs when a second writer presents an original author’s work as his or her own without the use of quotation marks and citation. Continue reading

How to Manage Human Resources in The Shipping Industry


Gaining competitive advantage is critical for organizations. Organizations seek to gain a competitive advantage in the market in order to be more profitable than their competitors. However, competitive advantages are typically temporary unless the organization also has the human resources it needs to successfully implement the organizational strategy. You should propose and analyse effective strategies for managing human resources in the shipping industry, in order to create a sustainable competitive advantage.

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Switch Engineering


In today’s information-based economy, information is taken as power and control. To get the right information at the right time to the right people through the right channel is vital in any organization’s decision making processes. Network communication is one of the domains which are pivotal to the information and communication technology. A computer network involves many devices/media responsible for sharing (sending and receiving) data utilizing the transmission media. The internet is an example of such a network which spans globally. Continue reading

The Concepts of Equality & Social Equity


H. George Frederickson, expert in the field of public administration, coined the term “social equity,” which urges public administrators not to view individuals within one environment as the same but instead to view them against a backdrop of social and economic factors before assuming equality.

Ideals of equality and social justice form the basis of political philosophy. However, enforcing principles of equality across society often infringes on the liberal concept of social justice. Tensions within social and political relations have led to the creation of international government and non government organizations that seek to maintain ethical standards of equality throughout the world. These ethical standards allow reasonable individuals to maintain their philosophical differences without jeopardizing the greater good of global society. Continue reading

Power in Employment Relations


Why is power such an important concept in understanding employment relations? Critically evaluate the ways in which employees can increase their power at work.

Assessment Criteria- Students will have to choose ONE essay topic. Essays should be thoroughly grounded in the literature, use appropriate theoretical concepts, provide illustrative examples where appropriate, and evidence of a well-constructed and argued piece of work. Continue reading

Health Care in the US


Assignment 1:

Provide your reasoned opinion (i.e. exhibiting your ability to develop a logical analysis and synthesizing from your research) regarding:

  1. Why health care costs in the U.S. are so much higher compared to health care costs in so many other nations.
  2. Why the U.S. ranks poorly compared to so many other nations on so many health status indicators.
  3. What policies would you change in the U.S. health system that would improve on our health cost profile and health status ranking?

Assignment 2:

Utilizing at least one quantitative and one qualitative health policy research method, design a study to examine whether health centers [including the federally qualified health center model] are able to reduce or eliminate health disparities across racial or ethnic and socioeconomic subpopulation. Continue reading

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