What are the next great ideas in occupational science? As the current and future leaders in the profession, what do you feel needs to be addressed?
Consider AOTA’s Vision 2025: “As an inclusive profession, occupational therapy maximizes health, well-being, and quality of life for all people, populations, and communities through effective solutions that facilitate participation in everyday living” (AOTA, 2018, p. 2).
Amy Lamb (2018) and Debra Young (2018) gave fabulous presentations last fall about AOTA’s vision for our future (American Occupational Therapy Association [AOTA], 2017) and posed some bold guiding questions and challenges to practitioners. For example:
• What is the next great population level crisis and how may OT help us to avoid it (Young, 2018)?
• What do OT clients, providers, and the organizations we are part of need (Lamb, 2018?
These are your two questions to answer this week. They are big questions, so take some time to reflect on what is important to you, the profession, and your clients.
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