
Watch the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and then complete the following writing assignment.
1.Of the characters McMurphy, Chief, and Nurse Ratched, who would you consider to be the “hero” of the film and why? Who would you consider to be the villain and why?

2.How is mental illness portrayed in the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest? In what ways does this “definition” of mental illness match your own definition and in what ways does it differ? Do you consider McMurphy to be mentally ill? Why or why not?

3.This film (and book and play) has been criticized for its depictions of women and people of color. What role do these minorities play in the story and why might the story receive this type of criticism? Do you agree or disagree that the portrayal of these characters is harmful? Why/Why not?

4.Like The Graduate this film is considered to be one of the greatest films of all time. Do you agree? Why or why not? What is the overall message of the film (the take-away, not just the theme)? And in what way is this story still important or relevant in 2016? In what way is this story antiquated or too old to matter in 2016?