Tag: online essay writers (Page 9 of 36)

Health Care in the US

Credit: tokbox.com

Assignment 1:

Provide your reasoned opinion (i.e. exhibiting your ability to develop a logical analysis and synthesizing from your research) regarding:

  1. Why health care costs in the U.S. are so much higher compared to health care costs in so many other nations.
  2. Why the U.S. ranks poorly compared to so many other nations on so many health status indicators.
  3. What policies would you change in the U.S. health system that would improve on our health cost profile and health status ranking?

Assignment 2:

Utilizing at least one quantitative and one qualitative health policy research method, design a study to examine whether health centers [including the federally qualified health center model] are able to reduce or eliminate health disparities across racial or ethnic and socioeconomic subpopulation. Continue reading

Tiny Smiling Daddy

Credit: youtube.com

The paper has to be about the short story called “Tiny Smiling Daddy” 3rd person Minimum of 4 sources first source is the short story 3 secondary sources needed at least 4 entries on bibliography 2 sources have to be text 2 text and 1 electronic source that has author you can have all text sources if u want must have at least one direct quote from secondary source 8 pages minimum including the bibliography top left corner goes my name date name of class: eng111 title must be centered times new roman 12 font bottom right will be page numbers.  Continue reading

Top Imports and Exports of a Country

Credit: bhutannewsnetwork.com

Use the MIT Trade Atlas to find the top 5 imports and exports for a country. Then, using the Heckscher-Ohlin trade theory, New Trade Theory, and the concepts of comparative advantage, you could discuss if the top imports and exports from the country are consistent with the idea of those theories. Introduction: Here, you introduce the topic of your paper, and summarize briefly the conclusions of your paper. Summary of recent events or news articles on your topic: Here, you should examine recent events related to your topic in a way that would interest the average reader, who is someone who is taking the course with you. Continue reading

People’s Choice Food

Credit: content.time.com

Use different sources to find where people go the most to get their food. For Instance, fast food places, restaurants, and grocery stores. Use paraphrasing and quotations to support the argument and make sure to quote each source properly. When quoting make sure to give the quote a proper introduction and explanation. Clearly establish your position and give a feasible, logical solution to the problem. Continue reading

Quantitative Analysis in Sociology, Social Work& Criminal

Credit: smore.com

Identify the most appropriate inferential statistical testing for each of the research scenario. Explain why the testing is the most appropriate choice. Offer the research hypothesis in your discussion. 1. A social worker wants to study if gender explains levels of anxiety among his clients. He collects information from 60 clients on the following two variables: (1) Gender: “Male” or “Female” (2) Level of Anxiety: Measured based on a 20-point anxiety scale; higher scores represent greater anxiety level. Continue reading

Lease Vs. Purchase

Credit: cartalk.blogs.com

The purpose of this assignment is to explain core concepts related to lease vs. purchase and tactical financial decisions. Read the Chapter 19 Mini Case on pages 796-797 in Financial Management: Theory and Practice. Using complete sentences and academic vocabulary, please answer questions. Continue reading

Patient Centered Care


Credit: diversitycan.com

Analyze the key concepts of patient-centered care Assignment .  In this writing assignment, you will make recommendations to improve the literacy level of patient education materials 1. A two-page (500-word) paper a. Choose patient education material. Evaluate the material you choose for literacy: i. Choose a patient education material that you routinely give to your patients. ii. Alternatively, go to the National Institute on Aging and choose a health topic written for the older adult. Continue reading


Credit: thenextweb.com 


Marketing is a term that is often used by many businesses. It IS a key part of our business structure. Businesses that satisfy the needs of customers and build relationships with their customers will do well in the long term. Please discuss marketing from a ‘creating a relationship’ perspective. Continue reading

The Media

Credit: reasontohope.or.ke

The media, be it television, radio, newspaper, or otherwise, is the public’s primary access to what’s happening in the community, state, nation, and world. The public is, in this way, exposed only to what the media chooses to present and the media’s version of events. How much power do you think the media has over the public, and can this power be trusted? Continue reading

Deloitte & Touche LLP

Accounting standards

Courtesy: Wikipedia

Deloitte & Touche LLP

Requirement (REVISED) I have assigned you a scandal/cases involving CPA firms below. Assigned topic: Deloitte & Touche LLP For the assigned topic, please write a term paper describing: what the scandal was about. what accounts were overstated and/or understated. how subject(s) violated the GAAP and/or tax law. whether the subject(s) received any disciplinary action from its accountancy board. whether the subject(s) indicted/charged/convicted of any crime. what was unethical about the subject(s) behavior. how it impacted the general public. Continue reading

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