your paper contains MORE than 4 pages of double-spaced, 12-point font content (any title lines, extra spacing, etc. DO NOT count towards the required 4+ full pages), but does not exceed 6 pages. Ensure that your paper is proofread and contains few (if any) noticeable grammatical errors, which include (but aren’t limited to) “texting lingo”, unqualified pronouns, misspellings, words used incorrectly, poor sentence structure, etc. This paper integrally incorporates a minimum of THREE scholarly sources. You may include additional credible sources (e.g. credible news sources, governmental sources,), but are not required to. You may cite the textbook and/or assigned supplemental materials, but are not required to. You must incorporate proper in-text citations throughout the paper, use direct quotes either NOT AT ALL or EXTREMELY sparingly and only when properly cited, and include a full, properly formatted reference list. NOTE: your scholarly sources should provide the foundation of your argument for what the status of people of color is, and therefore your sources should be integrated throughout the paper. 10 points
- Semester development: your final paper incorporates any and all suggestions/requirements I have made when giving feedback on your cultural artifacts, annotated bibliography, and outline. 15 points
- Quality of content: your paper’s written content is timely and compelling, and delivered in an easily understandable manner. The topic for your final paper (if you choose to “zoom in” on a particular social institution/issue you feel exemplifies the status of people of color) should be sociologically compelling and relevant. The structure of your paper should be strong and clear.
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