
This assignment involves presenting information from a peer-reviewed scientific study on an organism from a specific taxonomic group assigned to you. Within that group, the choice of organisms is up to you. Presentations should be 3-5 minutes long, and done in PowerPoint.  The following should be discussed: 1. Name the taxonomic group you were assigned, and the organism you chose. If necessary, describe it.  2. What hypothesis were the researchers testing? (6 points) 3. Provide some background information that was provided in the introduction of the study. Include anything you think will be useful in helping your audience to better understand the study and hypothesis. (6 points) 4. Provide information on the methods section of the study. What were the treatments, how many replicates, etc? For field studies, location and season are important. (8 points) 5. Provide information on the results of the study. This section should include a graphical representation of some of their data, if at all possible. It should also mention the author’s conclusions, as well as your view of those conclusions. (8 points) 6. Describe areas that you thought were particularly interesting. Are there any areas you thought could be improved upon? Where might this research go next? (6 points) 7. A literature cited slide should be given at the end of your presentation. At the very least you should cite the paper you are presenting. (3 points) Presentations will be done on the day that we cover your taxonomic group – which means that the due date will vary from person to person