
Watch the two videos linked : \”Norman Borlaug & The Green Revolution\” (’v=Lg9-HTtgFOk)

and \”The Green Revolution: Waging a War Against Hunger\”(’v=HucSCNQ01X4) After watching:

Summarize the information in both videos and include one ethical theory that Norman Borlaug was working under during his work with plants and in biotechnology

Using the information in the videos and any other sources (reputable sources) of information, explain in your own words (whether you agree or not) why Norman Borlaug has been called \’the greatest man to ever live\’ and \’the genius behind the green revolution\’

Read the file that is uploaded. after that read and answer the following questions

-Using the information provided in the text,

Discuss in 1 page, arguments FOR biotechnology, GE and GM food production in agriculture. Reference information from your reading to support your facts and points

Discuss in 1 page, arguments AGAINST biotechnology, GE and GM food production in agriculture. Reference information from your reading to support your points

What is YOUR opinion regarding biotechnology, GE and GMO crops’ As you state your opinion, state 1 ethical theory you are working under as you develop your opinion and your answer. Answers should be no less than half a page