You are required to use three journal resources in your paper. In psychology it is very important to stay up to date so these resources can be no older than three years old. Writing Requirements and Format
The following is the required format for your Writing Assignments. Each paper must be submitted using Microsoft® Word.
Introduction – Your initial paragraph should provide the background or context for the topic. You could link the topic to prior assignments or readings in the text. Your introductory paragraph should also justify why your reader should be interested in the topic and prepare the reader for what they will find in later sections.
Body of the Paper -(3 to 4 pages)should consist ofsections dealing with various questions asked. This section should include answers that include critical analysis as well as supporting data from the journals. Don’t be afraid to compare, criticize, and generally leave your personal mark on the paper. Be sure to use proper in text citations when referring to knowledge gained from a source, paraphrasing or quoting a source.
Conclusion – Give a brief summary (in a few sentences) of what has been presented, and/or learned so far in the course. Like the introduction, this section must be fairly short.
References – Provide complete bibliographic information for each reference (USE THE APA FORMAT). References should be listed in alphabetical order.
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