Glanzer & Ream (2009), define friendship as the existence of trust and affection between two or more parties. As far as Christianity is concerned, friendship is characterized by the existence of great understanding and love among people thus fostering harmonious living (Jeynes, 2013). Friendship has support and encouragement as one of its core values and pillars. Friends are expected to help each other offering encouragement in one’s day-to-day activities and endeavors. In the field or system of education, friendship is vital as it fosters group efforts, assistance, and openness.
If students nurture apt friendship among themselves, they can be able to participate productively in school-based group activities (Jeynes, 2013). Some of the assignments and academic projects require the collective involvement and efforts of the students. The group-based efforts foster teamwork in the students thus enabling them to build interpersonal skills (Jeynes, 2013). The group work also creates a platform for the students to help and encourage each other as they undertake the projects and tests. For instance, a student who posts excellent scores in Biology can assist his or her friends whose performance is below average.
The existence of a bond between the students and teachers is also essential as it enhances the commitment of both parties to matters education (Jeynes, 2013). In this case, the teacher can devote himself or herself wholly to assisting the students and making sure that they excel in their academic endeavors. The students, on the other hand, can dedicate their time and efforts to their studies thus posting impressive scores in their tests and assignments. An open line of communication is also created between the students and their teachers thus facilitating instruction and feedback (Glanzer & Ream, 2009). In summary, friendship in the education system should be nurtured and enhanced to ensure positive outcomes for both the students and their teachers.
Glanzer, P., & Ream, T. (2009). Christianity and Moral Identity in Higher Education. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Jeynes, W. (2013). Christianity, Education, and Modern Society (Revised ed.). Charlotte, N.C.: IAP- Information Age PubJeynes, W. (2013).
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